You're right, Mike...

I'm just using the CFC as more of a function library, not so much from
an OOP standpoint.  (I only learned to use CFC's effectively in the last
week or so :o)

I'll have to dig into the "this.validate()" method a little more to 
understand it.
I did see it discussed in the livedocs, but figured that would slow 
things down
a little too much for now.

Once I get CFC's down, I'll work on the OOP style more.

Don't want overload my little rowboat with too much of a motor!
I still need a trolling motor, not a twin-engine! :o)


Mike Chabot wrote:
> Rick,
> Basic form validation is along the lines of "was the first name
> entered" and "is the length of the first name GT 0" are often specific
> to a single form in the site and don't benefit from being abstracted.
> >From an OOP standpoint, the object can be the page, the form, or a
> form field. A validation function is something that could be part of
> one of those objects. For example, if you consider your form to be an
> object, then a this.validate() method would be part of the form object
> and you wouldn't need to pass the form data en-mass to another CFC
> since you are staying within the same object. The question of how you
> pass the form scope to another CFC goes away and the problem is
> simplified.
> I would guess that what you have is more of a function library and
> that you are putting them into a CFC because they are similar code,
> not because you are practicing OOP. You can certainly do this if you
> think this makes your site easier to maintain. I'm making assumptions
> about what your validation code is doing and have no way of knowing
> what is best for your site, but hopefully I explained my "taking a
> step back" comment on whether it makes more sense to call
> Object2.validate( instead of calling
> Object1.validate(this) since taking the latter approach might nullify
> your question.
> -Mike Chabot

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