
I'm putting together the outline for the revised ColdFusion for Dummies
(focusing on CF 5.0). Would like to get input from those of you who've
read/used it about *specific* changes that should be made. I'd particularly
like to hear from anyone using it for training.

Would also like general comments about what CF-Talk thinks is appropriate
for inclusion in the Dummies book -- we've got a page limit of about 384
which is pretty small. Keep in mind that the Dummies audience is not the one
that's buying the Forta CF books (at least not right off :) This is a chance
for the CF community to have an impact on what for many newbies is the first
ColdFusion book they'll take a look at.

I know I've got a list of things I was unhappy with from the first time
through as does Charlie Aerheart (who did a great job getting the book to
the point it is). Any thoughts?


John Paul Ashenfelter
CTO & President
p 804.872.0575
f 804.963.7718

        Structure your ColdFusion code with Fusebox. Get the official book at


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