Any shutdown in an IIS application pool is a process crash and needs to be 
debugged with a post-mortem userdump.  My recommendation is that you open a 
support ticket with Microsoft to identify the root cause.  Be aware, however, 
that in 90% of the cases we see, the cause is in a 3rd party component (meaning 
the JRUN ISAPI dll or something else, not an IIS problem in itself) acting up 
and we will only be able to go so far with the root cause analysis.  However, 
when we identify the issue, we ought to be able to more properly direct you to 
the right place to get the next level of support.

Matt Small

>I don't know about MS 2003 too much, but in 2008 the app pools have two
>related "Rapid-fail protection" settings that we had to tweak: the
>"maximum failures" and "failure interval".  It appears that app pools
>can be set up to shut themselves down when IIS sees too many errors
>within a given amount of time.  The defaults are 5 errors in 5 minutes,
>which is not very forgiving. (We were generating http error responses on
>purpose and this triggered a shutdown until we figured out what was
>going on.)
>We have recently migrated all of our applications to a new MS 2003
>server.  Ever since the applications kept going down even though the
>server was still up and functioning normally.  Eventually we figured out
>that it was the application pool that went down.  We separated the
>applications out to another application pool and eventually identified
>one application as the source of the problem.  So now all other
>applications are up but this one application keeps going down.  But now
>what? we have no clues how to fix this.  It is an old fusebox 3
>application and we are using wsconfig to connect between IIS and JRUN.
>What kind of activities in the site that can possibly bring down the
>application pool? We have an upload feature, but I don't think it is
>used extensively.  Please help!

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