Ha! That would be great, but search engines won't see that which is the
point really.

Using that PHP regex you pointed to:

<cfsavecontent variable="html">
Goto <a href="http://google.com";>No</a> now!
and turning it into:
Goto <a href="http://google.com"; rel="nofollow">~Yes</a> now!



<cfset re =

<cfset matches = REMatch(re, html)>

<cfdump var="#matches#">

<cfloop array="#matches#" index="match">
        <cfif NOT FindNoCase("nofollow", match)>
                <cfset newLink = Replace(match, ">", " rel=""nofollow""",
                <cfset html = ReplaceNoCase(html, match, newLink)>


Not as nice as a one hit RegEx but seems to get the job done :)


> -----Original Message-----
> From: Andy Matthews [mailto:li...@commadelimited.com]
> Sent: 14 January 2009 15:27
> To: cf-talk
> Subject: RE: nofollow regex
> Does it have to be a server side solution? jQuery would make this a
> snap:
> $(document).ready(function(){
>       $('a[href^="http"]').attr('rel','nofollow');
> });
> <a href="/somepage.html">This is an internal link</a>
> <br><br>
> <a href="http://google.com";>And this is an external link, with no
> follow</a>
> -----Original Message-----
> From: Jeff Becker [mailto:jpbec...@yahoo.com]
> Sent: Wednesday, January 14, 2009 8:58 AM
> To: cf-talk
> Subject: nofollow regex
> Hey folks,
> Since I got no love in the RegEx forum, I'm hoping to post here to get
> a
> little more eyeballs on the question I'm struggling over.
> I'm looking for a working rel="nofollow" regex to modify links.
> For example:
> Goto <a href="http://google.com";>Google</a> now!
> and turning it into:
> Goto <a href="http://google.com"; rel="nofollow">Google</a> now!
> The best solution I've found so far is:
> http://www.sitecritic.net/articleDetail.php?id=242  , but this is a PHP
> solution.  Any ideas on converting this to Coldfusion?
> The PHP solution covers a lot of scenarios (extra attributes, single
> quotes
> instead of double quotes) etc.. so that would be ideal.
> Thanks!

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