It's been a long day, so I may well have missed something, but here we go 

One caveat - this assumes at least semi-valid markup - in so far as no > inside 
of A opening tag/attributes.
(Not impossible to fix, but since it's not valid I can't be bothered going that 
far right now.)

<cffunction name="setHyperlinkRel" returntype="String" output="false">
        <cfargument name="LinkCode"  type="String"/>
        <cfargument name="RelValue"  type="String"/>
        <cfargument name="Append"    type="Boolean" default="true"/>
        <cfargument name="Delimiter" type="String"  default=","/>

        <cfset var Head = ListFirst(Arguments.LinkCode,'>')/>
        <cfset var Tail = ListRest(Arguments.LinkCode,'>')/>

        <cfset var RelAttr = rematch( 
'(?ims)\brel=(?:\S+|([''"]).*?)(?=\1(?:\s|$))' , Head )/>

        <cfif ArrayLen(RelAttr)>
                <cfif NOT find(RelValue,RelAttr[1])>
                        <cfset Head = replace
                                ( Head
                                , RelAttr[1]
                                , ListAppend( RelAttr[1] , Arguments.RelValue , 
Arguments.Delimiter )
                <cfset Head = Head & ' rel="#Arguments.RelValue#"' />

        <cfreturn Head & '>' & Tail />

<cffunction name="addRelNofollow" returntype="String" output="false">
        <cfargument name="InputText" type="String"/>

        <cfset var Result = Arguments.InputText/>
        <cfset var NewHyperlink = 0/>
        <cfset var i = 0/>

        <cfset var Hyperlinks = rematch( '(?ims)<a[^>]+>.*?</a>' , 
Arguments.InputText )/>

        <cfloop index="i" from="1" to="#ArrayLen(Hyperlinks)#">
                <cfset NewHyperlink = setHyperlinkRel( Hyperlinks[i] , 
'nofollow' ) />
                <cfset Result = replace( Result , Hyperlinks[i] , NewHyperlink 

        <cfreturn Result />

<cfset NewContent = addRelNofollow( OldContent ) />

That works on all the various examples I've tried so far - let me know if 
there's anything missed and I'll update it.

Needs ColdFusion 8 or Railo 3 for rematch calls (can do one with Java Regex if 
people need it working with other engines).

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