Maybe unrealistic for <cfpdf>, but unrealistic for ColdFusion itself.
To protect something with no discernable way back.  You can't disagree
with this.  I realize that we have cfcontent and others that display
output.  I find it a miscue to not notice this one way only for pdfs.
They tought cfpdf in cf8, but I find it somewhat lacking, so I am trying
to find a way around it without compromising the files security and yes
I am aware of what the client can do with it once they have it and I
cannot control much of that.  With all these other tools, there has to
be a way.  I have that much faith in this language and I am hoping that
I am not wrong.

-----Original Message-----
From: Dave Watts [] 
Sent: Thursday, January 22, 2009 1:37 PM
To: cf-talk
Subject: Re: view protected pdf

> This seems to be a very short sided tag <cfpdf>.  Why allow to
> discreetly protect files and then have no way to display them.  Very
> frustrating.  What about the read action of cfpdf?  Why couldn't I
> the file then dump it (for lack of a better word) to the client?  If
> this is possible, I would like to know how. I have looked at the read
> function and all it gives me is a wrapper and when I dump it it gives
> the file info, which is supposed to be another function of cfpdf
> = info).  The information I am dealing with is extremely sensitive and
> should not, cannot be copied or unprotected - at least from my side to
> the client.  Sorry for the rant, just need to solve this as soon as
> possible.

PDFs are not displayed by the server, but by a PDF client application.
Password security is handled by said PDF client. If you "dump" it to
the client without a password, the client could redistribute that
content however they like. Of course, they could redistribute it even
with a password, but they would also have to redistribute the

So, I think your expectations for the CFPDF tag are a bit unrealistic.

Dave Watts, CTO, Fig Leaf Software

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