Hi all,

I have been banging my head on this issue for a couple of days and hope someone 
has some experience to offer.

We are replacing PDFs generated by cfdocument with PDF templates developed in 
LiveCycle Designer, due to the issues we have had trying to get our results to 
be consistent. I have what I feel is a solid PDF Form template going,and I can 
populate the form using cfpdfform. The one issue I am having is trying to get 
flowable content working. If you have worked with LiveCycle Designer you will 
know what flowable content is. If you haven't, its the ability to allow users 
to fill in data in a PDF form and the PDF will expand to fit the content. 

I have this working (flowable content) in the PDF only when I save it as a 
"Dynamic XML Form". I can add data to my form fields and the document expands 
as expected. This behavior does not occur when saved as a standard PDF Form. 
From the limited information i have read, this is by design. 

When I save the document as a Dynamic XML Form and try to populate it with CF I 
get the following error: An exception has occurred in the processing of PDF 
forms. ''

Pretty vague. Yes, this is even with debugging enabled :)

I can't seem to do anything to populate the Dynamic PDF Form without causing 
this error. What's odd is that I can read the document just fine. I can 
populate it manually, and a cfdump shows the data as an XML structure (that's 
good!). I can also use the same method to populate a standard PDF Form, both 
using XML and <cfpdfformparam>. The only thing that isn't working is populating 
the Dynamic XML Form from CF. 

Can someone tell me if this is unsupported, or if there is a workaround? We 
sincerely hate the cfdocument method we have been using, cfpdfform has made 
this so much faster, cleaner and more reliable. 

I would be happy to provide a copy of my template from LiveCycle Designer as 
well as a code sample.

TJ Downes 

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