TJ -

Just some random thoughts -

1) if you run cf from the console, do you see any errors in there? An
exception stack trace may be helpful.
2) If you put a try/catch around it, and dump the cfcatch, do you see
anything special? Sometimes it can show you Java errors you wouldn't
otherwise see.


On Sat, Feb 14, 2009 at 2:43 PM, TJ Downes <> wrote:

> Hi all,
> I have been banging my head on this issue for a couple of days and hope
> someone has some experience to offer.
> We are replacing PDFs generated by cfdocument with PDF templates developed
> in LiveCycle Designer, due to the issues we have had trying to get our
> results to be consistent. I have what I feel is a solid PDF Form template
> going,and I can populate the form using cfpdfform. The one issue I am having
> is trying to get flowable content working. If you have worked with LiveCycle
> Designer you will know what flowable content is. If you haven't, its the
> ability to allow users to fill in data in a PDF form and the PDF will expand
> to fit the content.
> I have this working (flowable content) in the PDF only when I save it as a
> "Dynamic XML Form". I can add data to my form fields and the document
> expands as expected. This behavior does not occur when saved as a standard
> PDF Form. From the limited information i have read, this is by design.
> When I save the document as a Dynamic XML Form and try to populate it with
> CF I get the following error: An exception has occurred in the processing of
> PDF forms. ''
> Pretty vague. Yes, this is even with debugging enabled :)
> I can't seem to do anything to populate the Dynamic PDF Form without
> causing this error. What's odd is that I can read the document just fine. I
> can populate it manually, and a cfdump shows the data as an XML structure
> (that's good!). I can also use the same method to populate a standard PDF
> Form, both using XML and <cfpdfformparam>. The only thing that isn't working
> is populating the Dynamic XML Form from CF.
> Can someone tell me if this is unsupported, or if there is a workaround? We
> sincerely hate the cfdocument method we have been using, cfpdfform has made
> this so much faster, cleaner and more reliable.
> I would be happy to provide a copy of my template from LiveCycle Designer
> as well as a code sample.
> Thanks
> TJ Downes

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