still not clear what exactly determines which pages are to be displayed
and which one is not...
can you clarify that?

>> If we are on page1 .... according to the condition it is redirected
to page2
or page3.

what's this 'condition'???

your 'procedure' just loops over your list of 4 page names and outputs
ALL of them - you just need to incorporate your 'condition' into the
loop to not display the page that should not be displayed.

Azadi Saryev

Pranathi Reddy wrote:
> Any ideas?
>> I have 4 pages in my application
>> Page1, Page2, page3 and page4
>> I am trying to do something like this (saw in some post):
>> <cfset pagelist = "Page1,Page2,Page3,Page4">
>> <cfoutput>
>>  <table align="center">
>>   <cfset stepCounter = 0>
>>  <cfloop list="#pagelist#" index="i">
>>   <cfset stepCounter = stepCounter +1>
>>   <cfif arguments.pagename EQ "#trim(i)#">
>>    <cfset styleclass = "HighLight">
>>   <cfelse>
>>    <cfset styleclass = "NoHighlight">
>>   </cfif>
>>   <tr>
>>     <td class="#styleclass#" nowrap>Step #stepCounter#: </td><td
>> class="#styleclass#" nowrap>#getContent('#arguments.PageID#',
>> '#i#').title#</td>
>>     </tr>
>>  </cfloop>
>>  </table>
>>  </cfoutput>
>> I am trying to  display the list of the page rendering.
>> If we are on page1 .... according to the condition it is redirected to page2
>> or page3.
>> The total number of steps should be only 3 and according to the procedure
>> above it display's 4 steps.  It means that it should either be on page2 or
>> page3 and not both.
>> Thanks,
>> Pranathi.
>> On Sun, Mar 1, 2009 at 5:37 PM, Rick Faircloth 
>> <>wrote:

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