> So, if I assigned a value to a "request.site.webroot" variable in
> app_globals, will this variable be available at anytime 
> throughout all the
> templates in any directory?  I ask this question because I am 
> having error
> messages where the variable is not recognized.

Yes, if you are calling app_globals directly or indirectly on every page.

> It was made mentioned that request scope variables are only 
> used from page
> to page using cfincludes and cfmodules.  I am not sure what 
> this means.

Request variables are visible inside cfincudes and cfmodules. They are not
passed from Web page to Web page.

> The fusebox methodology book seems to indicate to use the 
> request variables
> as though they are global variables but I am getting these 
> unrecognized
> variable messages.

They *ARE* global variables.
> scratch my head wondering why I would have unrecognized 
> session variables at
> times.  It may be recognized on one page but immediately not 
> on another.

That's weird. But what session you are in is related to what <cfapplication>
tag you are usiung. If there is more than one <cfapplication> in a site, you
may have problems.

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