There is a tag, i've used it - its available on allaire tag gallery - I
believe its written by Ben Forta - cant remember whatits called... very
simple though - loops through #form.formfields# creates an <input type =
hiidden...> for each one...

:> -----Original Message-----
:> From: Walker, Matthew [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
:> Sent: 07 December 2000 03:49
:> To: CF-Talk
:> Subject: RE: variables passed en masse - what is the tag?
:> > >I remember several replies to a previous question where a 
:> > tag was referenced
:> > >that gathered all the variables on a form and passed them to 
:> > subsequent
:> > >pages
:> > >what was that tag - I hope I'm not dreaming but it would 
:> > help to replace
:> > >hidden fields.
:> How about something like.... (needs CFServer 4.5)
:> <cfloop item="ThisField" collection=#Form#>
:>      <input type="hidden" name="#ThisField#"
:> value="#Evaluate("Form.#ThisField#")#">
:> </cfloop>
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