thanks dave, it was actually based on your comments in another post that got me 
thinking about this

it was in a post to do with hacking and you said that the person should look 
through the site and set permissions on any file that writes to the file system.

i also want to make sure that if someone cannot access a folder that has 
sensitive files but want to make sure our coldfusion application will still be 
able to acces that folder

should i understand the cfcontent tag?

> > i saw someone discussing the need for file permissions on files that 
> write to the file
> > system, but do not understand this subject well enough to know what 
> to do
> >
> > we have a lot of files in one of our applications that write xml and 
> MS Excel spreadsheets
> > and know that we need to set file permissions but dont understand 
> the following:
> >
> > 1) what permissions do we need to set on these
> > 2) do we need to set a password on these files
> > 3) if so will the application still run, or do we need to set 
> something up that will allow the
> > system to access them
> Without knowing what you're trying to accomplish, it's difficult to
> answer this question.
> > we also have some folders that contain sensitive zip files etc... so 
> how can we set a
> > password on these and how will the system interact with them if a 
> password is set on the
> > folder?
> If you're using IIS, you can set permissions on files and folders, 
> and
> browser users will then need to provide a valid set of credentials
> that match those permissions. If you're using Apache, you could do
> something similar with .htaccess files rather than permissions. If 
> you
> want to handle permissions through CF rather than through your web
> server, you'll need to serve the files using CFCONTENT rather than
> letting people get them through the web server directly.
> Dave Watts, CTO, Fig Leaf Software
> Fig Leaf Software provides the highest caliber vendor-authorized
> instruction at our training centers in Washington DC, Atlanta,
> Chicago, Baltimore, Northern Virginia, or on-site at your location.
> Visit for more 

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