> If so, does that mean my only option is writing a custom tag to simulate
> cfquery and having it handle all of that stuff the same way cfquery does? (
> Retrieve the datasource info from the adminapi, create and manage the
> connection, call all of these execution methods and then translate their
> results to a CFML query object, etc.

It is so, but I think the option of creating the custom tag is both
mildly barmy and not the only option. A possible easier coding
solution may be to create a component that builds and executes a
cfquery by taking a java style prepared statement. A rough idea:

 <set variables.dsn = "" />
 <cffunction name="init" ....>... init component and set datasource
 <cffunction name="executePreparedStatement" returntype="query">
   <cfargument name="statement" type="string" hint="eg. select * from
foo where bar = ?" />
   <cfargument name="params" type="array" hint="Array of structs with
two keys, 'type' and 'value' />

   <cfset var theQuery = "" />
   <cfquery name="theQuery" datasource="#_dsn#">

    ...// code to parse the statement and insert cfqueryparams in
place of the '?'s

   <cfreturn theQuery />

> What a hassle. This is worse than the fact that you can't use cfform
> controls outside of a cfform tag in CFC cffunctions.

I don't believe it makes sense for CF to be able to do what you are
asking. Given a bare <cfqueryparam .../>, how is it to know what to do
with it?


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