> First, why it happens. When using J2EE sessions, the session is
> handled by the J2EE server (JRun in your case). JRun has an internal
> setting for the duration of sessions; that's controlled in the XML
> file. Now, CF also has its own timeouts, which control how long to
> keep using the same JRun session; if CF's session timeout is longer
> than JRun's, CF is looking for a dead JRun session and you get the
> invalid session error. Make sure the MAXIMUM CF session timeout
> setting is less than the JRun setting.

This is what I don't understand... I have the CF Admin settings set to 20
mins for the session life. The JSEE sessions were set at 30 mins and I saw
lots of errors. I've now increased the time to 35 minutes and although the
errors are reduced in number, they still happen...

As you have stated the issue, the errors should not have happened in the
first place with our setup and increasing the J2EE session timeout by a
further 5 minutes seems like an odd way to reduce the errors we've seen but,
nevertheless, that is what it has done.

I'm thinking this may be a timing issue on multi-CPU deployments. I remember
back in the day looking at task manager stats where the System Idle time
would read close to 48 hours when the server was re-booted 24 hours
previously because the clock was accounting for the idle time on both
processors... I wonder if the JRun session timeout process is looking at a
ticker in the system that is effectively halving/quartering etc. the entered
value in relation to the number of processors in the system and causing
these timing anomalies? The idea (in my mind at least) has merit.

> Second, the JSESSION cookie is the only one used for J2EE sessions.
> The CFID and CFTOKEN cookies are used for client variables; you can
> prevent them from being set for new users with the setClientCookies
> setting in your application tag/cfc (set it to false).

That sorts out that bit. Thanks!


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