Rick's the man. Worked like a charm.

>What database are you using, Bret?
>I use MySQL 5 and I import MLS data from two different MLS's every day,
>but I use SQL to do it in a cfquery, rather than CFML only.  Very, very fast
>this way.
>For example, after downloading all the data from one of the MLS sites,
>I first run a cfdirectory function on the folder that has the files:
>                      action = 'list'
>                      type = 'file'
>                      name='filelist'>
>Then I loop over the filelist and process the various delimited text files:
><cfloop query="filelist">
>     <cfquery name="load_data" datasource="#application.dsn#">
>          load data infile
>          <cfif #name# contains 'ACR'>
>               into table smlc_acr_temp
>          <cfelseif #name# contains 'COM'>
>               into table smlc_com_temp
>          <cfelseif #name# contains 'LOT'>
>               into table smlc_lot_temp
>          <cfelseif #name# contains 'MUL'>
>               into table smlc_mul_temp
>          <cfelseif #name# contains 'OFF'>
>               into table smlc_off_temp
>          <cfesleif #name# contains 'REN'>
>               into table smlc_ren_temp
>          <cfelseif #name# contains 'RES'>
>               into table smlc_res_temp
>          </cfif>
>          fields terminated by '|'
>          lines terminated by '\r\n'
>     </cfquery>
>That gets all the data from the MLS text files and into
>my database.  From there, I run further queries to extract
>just the columns of data that I want to use on a client's site
>and insert that data into my final production database tables.
>If you're not using MySQL 5, then perhaps your database has
>something equivalment to "load data infile".
>On Sun, Apr 19, 2009 at 12:52 PM, Bret McDermitt 

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