Andy Matthews wrote:
> Well, a 301 redirect sort of means that the original file isn't there any
> more right. So that should be triggered via your 404 handler. You could
> intercept at that point and display message, along with the new location.
> andy

Not quite.  We have the 301 redirects in place so no 404 errors are 
thrown.  When you type in an old URL your browser gets a 301, and send 
you on the correct new location.  This is all good in my mind. 

But some powers that be, say "No, we must tell users they have been 
redirected"  What I was hoping for, but I am getting discouraged on 
finding, is a simple trigger where I can simply add a message to the 
page say something like "You came from zzz which now lives at yyy, 
please update your information." when such a redirect occurs.

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