Perhaps your users could land on the original page, which displays a 
message telling them they are being redirected, then after 5 seconds (or 
whatever) the 301 redirect kicks in and moves them to the new page.

This could easily be done with a cfheader/sleep/cflocation combo.


Eric Cobb
Certified Macromedia ColdFusion MX 7 Developer

Ian Skinner wrote:
> Andy Matthews wrote:
>> Well, a 301 redirect sort of means that the original file isn't there any
>> more right. So that should be triggered via your 404 handler. You could
>> intercept at that point and display message, along with the new location.
>> andy
> Not quite.  We have the 301 redirects in place so no 404 errors are 
> thrown.  When you type in an old URL your browser gets a 301, and send 
> you on the correct new location.  This is all good in my mind. 
> But some powers that be, say "No, we must tell users they have been 
> redirected"  What I was hoping for, but I am getting discouraged on 
> finding, is a simple trigger where I can simply add a message to the 
> page say something like "You came from zzz which now lives at yyy, 
> please update your information." when such a redirect occurs.

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