This is sort of confusion to explain, but I will try.

I'm attempting to validate a form using the example in MASTERING COLD FUSION
4, pg 390, ex 15.4.

Of course the book example is ultra simple. 3 easy text fields, submits to
another script that validates by checking to see if value is zero. This is
Cold Fusion validation by the way, no Java Script. I would have used, client
side JavaScript but could not get <CFSELECT> to give the popup using the
simple message attribute. I know there are other ways w/JavaScript but I'm
deep into this way and I think I am close.

So, submit the form and then the next script checks for zero values. If a
zero value is found, a "you messed up" message is generated and the form
field is re-presented to be fixed. All works well, except I'm using a few
textareas. If the textareas do not get filled out on the "fix it page" and
submitted, they are not giving an error since there is some value in there.

<!--- Check if an address has been provided --->
<CFIF Len(Form.Address) is 0>
        <CFSET Valid = False>
        <CFSET Error = Error & "An Address is required.<BR>">

        <CFSET address = "   <textarea name=""Address"" rows=""3""
VALUE=""#Form.Address#""> </textarea>"  >

But, with another Formfield,
<!--- Check if a last name has been provided --->
<CFIF Len(Form.lastName) is 0>
        <CFSET Valid = False>
        <CFSET Error = Error & "A last Name is required.<BR>">
        <CFSET lastName = "<INPUT TYPE=TEXT NAME=""lastName"" SIZE=30 MAXLENGTH=50

the above can be submited over and over and will trigger the zero value.

What is wrong with my textareas so they make it past my checking for zero

Here is the complete code from the page:

<!--- The warform_entryform.cfm sends its info here for checking before
insert into data base.  --->

<!--- The following lines through 68 will set each value from the form so if
we need to return any fields back to be fixed, the user does not retype
everything --->

<CFSET Valid = True>
<CFSET Error = "">
<CFSET firstname = "#Form.firstname#<INPUT TYPE=HIDDEN NAME=""firstname""
<CFSET lastname = "#Form.lastname#<INPUT TYPE=HIDDEN NAME=""lasttname""

<CFSET address = "#Form.address#<INPUT TYPE=HIDDEN NAME=""address""
<CFSET age = "#Form.age#<INPUT TYPE=HIDDEN NAME=""age""


<CFSET StateOrProvince = "#Form.StateOrProvince#<INPUT TYPE=HIDDEN
NAME=""StateOrProvince"" VALUE=""#Form.StateOrProvince#""">

<CFSET PostalCode = "#Form.PostalCode#<INPUT TYPE=HIDDEN NAME=""PostalCode""
<CFSET Country = "#Form.Country#<INPUT TYPE=HIDDEN NAME=""Country""
<CFSET EmailAddress = "#Form.EmailAddress#<INPUT TYPE=HIDDEN
NAME=""EmailAddress"" VALUE=""#EmailAddress#""">

<CFSET HomePhone = "#Form.HomePhone#<INPUT TYPE=HIDDEN NAME=""HomePhone""

<CFSET Framemodel = "#Form.Framemodel#<INPUT TYPE=HIDDEN NAME=""Framemodel""

<CFSET stockorcustom = "#Form.stockorcustom#<INPUT TYPE=HIDDEN
NAME=""stockorcustom"" VALUE=""#stockorcustom#""">

<CFSET size = "#Form.size#<INPUT TYPE=HIDDEN NAME=""size""

<CFSET serial = "#Form.serial#<INPUT TYPE=HIDDEN NAME=""serial""

<CFSET dateofpurchase = "#Form.dateofpurchase#<INPUT TYPE=HIDDEN
NAME=""dateofpurchase"" VALUE=""#dateofpurchase#""">

<CFSET color = "#Form.color#<INPUT TYPE=HIDDEN NAME=""color""
<CFSET nameofdealer = "#Form.nameofdealer#<INPUT TYPE=HIDDEN
NAME=""nameofdealer"" VALUE=""#nameofdealer#""">
<CFSET dealerlocation = "#Form.dealerlocation#<INPUT TYPE=HIDDEN
NAME=""dealerlocation"" VALUE=""#dealerlocation#""">

<CFSET income = "#Form.income#<INPUT TYPE=HIDDEN NAME=""income""

<CFSET gender = "#Form.gender#<INPUT TYPE=HIDDEN NAME=""gender""
<CFSET ride_often = "#Form.ride_often#<INPUT TYPE=HIDDEN NAME=""ride_often""

<CFSET website_visit = "#Form.website_visit#<INPUT TYPE=HIDDEN
NAME=""website_visit"" VALUE=""#website_visit#""">

<CFSET ride_often = "#Form.ride_often#<INPUT TYPE=HIDDEN NAME=""ride_often""

<CFSET motivated_buy = "#Form.motivated_buy#<INPUT TYPE=HIDDEN
NAME=""motivated_buy"" VALUE=""#motivated_buy#""">
<CFSET dealer_assistance = "#Form.dealer_assistance#<INPUT TYPE=HIDDEN
NAME=""dealer_assistance"" VALUE=""#dealer_assistance#""">

<CFSET if_contact = "#Form.if_contact#<INPUT TYPE=HIDDEN NAME=""if_contact""

<CFSET festivals_attend = "#Form.festivals_attend#<INPUT TYPE=HIDDEN
NAME=""festivals_attend"" VALUE=""#festivals_attend#""">

<CFSET dealer_assistance = "#Form.dealer_assistance#<INPUT TYPE=HIDDEN
NAME=""dealer_assistance"" VALUE=""#dealer_assistance#""">

<CFSET clubor_team = "#Form.clubor_team#<INPUT TYPE=HIDDEN
NAME=""clubor_team"" VALUE=""#clubor_team#""">

<CFSET organized_rides = "#Form.organized_rides#<INPUT TYPE=HIDDEN
NAME=""organized_rides"" VALUE=""#organized_rides#""">

<CFSET otherif_frames = "#Form.otherif_frames#<INPUT TYPE=HIDDEN
NAME=""otherif_frames"" VALUE=""#otherif_frames#""">

<CFSET purchase_another = "#Form.purchase_another#<INPUT TYPE=HIDDEN
NAME=""purchase_another"" VALUE=""#purchase_another#""">

<!--- Check if a first name has been provided --->
<CFIF Len(Form.firstName) is 0>
        <CFSET Valid = False>
        <CFSET Error = Error & "A First Name is required.<BR>">
        <CFSET firstName = "<INPUT TYPE=TEXT NAME=""firstName"" SIZE=30
MAXLENGTH=50 VALUE=""#Form.firstName#""">

<!--- Check if a last name has been provided --->
<CFIF Len(Form.lastName) is 0>
        <CFSET Valid = False>
        <CFSET Error = Error & "A last Name is required.<BR>">
        <CFSET lastName = "<INPUT TYPE=TEXT NAME=""lastName"" SIZE=30 MAXLENGTH=50

<!--- Check if an address has been provided --->
<CFIF Len(Form.Address) is 0>
        <CFSET Valid = False>
        <CFSET Error = Error & "An Address is required.<BR>">

        <CFSET address = "   <textarea name=""Address"" rows=""3""
VALUE=""#Form.Address#""> </textarea>"  >


<!--- Check if an age has been provided --->
<CFIF Len(Form.Age) is 0>
        <CFSET Valid = False>
        <CFSET Error = Error & "An age is required.<BR>">

<!--- Check if an City has been provided --->
<CFIF Len(Form.City) is 0>
        <CFSET Valid = False>
        <CFSET Error = Error & "A City is required.<BR>">
        <CFSET City = "<INPUT TYPE=TEXT NAME=""City"" SIZE=30 MAXLENGTH=50

<!--- Check if an StateOrProvince has been provided --->
<CFIF Len(Form.StateOrProvince) is 0>
        <CFSET Valid = False>
        <CFSET Error = Error & "A State Or Province is required.<BR>">
        <CFSET StateOrProvince = "<INPUT TYPE=TEXT NAME=""StateOrProvince"" SIZE=30
MAXLENGTH=50 VALUE=""#Form.StateOrProvince#""">

<!--- Check if an PostalCode has been provided --->
<CFIF Len(Form.PostalCode) is 0>
        <CFSET Valid = False>
        <CFSET Error = Error & "A Postal Code is required.<BR>">
        <CFSET PostalCode = "<INPUT TYPE=TEXT NAME=""PostalCode"" SIZE=30
MAXLENGTH=50 VALUE=""#Form.PostalCode#""">

<!--- Check if an Country has been provided --->
<CFIF Len(Form.Country) is 0>
        <CFSET Valid = False>
        <CFSET Error = Error & "A Country is required.<BR>">
        <CFSET Country = "<INPUT TYPE=TEXT NAME=""Country"" SIZE=30 MAXLENGTH=50

<!--- Check if the e-mail address is valid --->
<CFSET Dot = 0>
<CFSET At2 = 0>
<CFSET At = Find("@",Form.EmailAddress)>
<CFIF At greater than 0>
        <CFSET At2 = Find("@",Form.EmailAddress,At+1)>
        <CFSET Dot = Find(".",Form.EmailAddress,At+1)>
<CFIF (Len(Form.EmailAddress) is not 0) and (At is 0 or At2 greater than 0
or Dot is 0)>
        <CFSET Valid = False>
        <CFSET Error = Error & "The E-mail Address is invalid.<BR>">
        <CFSET EmailAddress = "<INPUT TYPE=TEXT NAME=""EmailAddress"" SIZE=20
MAXLENGTH=30 VALUE=""#Form.EmailAddress#""">

<!--- Check if a phone number has been provided --->
<CFIF Len(Form.HomePhone) is 0>
        <CFSET Valid = False>
        <CFSET Error = Error & "A Phone Number is required.<BR>">
        <CFSET HomePhone = "<INPUT TYPE=TEXT NAME=""HomePhone"" SIZE=12
MAXLENGTH=12 VALUE=""#Form.HomePhone#""">

<!--- Check if an Framemodel has been provided --->
<CFIF Len(Form.Framemodel) is 0>
        <CFSET Valid = False>
        <CFSET Error = Error & "A Framemodel is required.<BR>">

        <CFSET Framemodel = "<SELECT NAME=""Framemodel""
VALUE=""#Form.Framemodel#"" >

          <option value=""Ti Crown Jewel"">Ti Crown Jewel</option>
          <option value=""Crown Jewel"">Crown Jewel</option>
          <option value=""Independence"">Independence</option>
          <option value=""Planet Cross"">Planet Cross</option>
          <option value=""Deluxe"">Deluxe</option>
          <option value=""Special"">Special</option>
          <option value=""Club Racer"">Club Racer</option>

        <!--- <CFSET Framemodel = "<INPUT TYPE=TEXT NAME=""Framemodel"" SIZE=30
MAXLENGTH=50 VALUE=""#Form.Framemodel#""">--->

<!--- Check if an stockorcustom has been provided --->
<CFIF Len(Form.stockorcustom) is 0>
        <CFSET Valid = False>
        <CFSET Error = Error & "Stock or custom is required.<BR>">

         <CFSET stockorcustom = "<select name=""stockorcustom""
VALUE=""#Form.stockorcustom#"" >
          <option value=""stock"">Stock</option>
          <option value=""custom"">Custom</option>

        <!--- <CFSET stockorcustom = "<INPUT TYPE=TEXT NAME=""stockorcustom""
SIZE=30 MAXLENGTH=50 VALUE=""#Form.stockorcustom#""">--->

<!--- Check if a size has been provided --->
<CFIF Len(Form.size) is 0>
        <CFSET Valid = False>
        <CFSET Error = Error & "A Frame size is required.<BR>">
        <CFSET size = "<INPUT TYPE=TEXT NAME=""size"" SIZE=30 MAXLENGTH=50

<!--- Check if a serial has been provided --->
<CFIF Len(Form.serial) is 0>
        <CFSET Valid = False>
        <CFSET Error = Error & "A serial number is required.<BR>">
        <CFSET serial = "<INPUT TYPE=TEXT NAME=""serial"" SIZE=30 MAXLENGTH=50

<!--- Check if a dateofpurchase has been provided --->
<CFIF Len(Form.dateofpurchase) is 0>
        <CFSET Valid = False>
        <CFSET Error = Error & "A date of purchase is required.<BR>">
        <CFSET dateofpurchase = "<INPUT TYPE=TEXT NAME=""dateofpurchase"" SIZE=30
MAXLENGTH=50 VALUE=""#Form.dateofpurchase#""">

<!--- Check if a color has been provided --->
<CFIF Len(Form.color) is 0>
        <CFSET Valid = False>
        <CFSET Error = Error & "A color is required.<BR>">
        <CFSET color = "<INPUT TYPE=TEXT NAME=""color"" SIZE=30 MAXLENGTH=50

<!--- Check if a nameofdealer has been provided --->
<CFIF Len(Form.nameofdealer) is 0>
        <CFSET Valid = False>
        <CFSET Error = Error & "What is the name of your dealer?<BR>">
        <CFSET nameofdealer = "<INPUT TYPE=TEXT NAME=""nameofdealer"" SIZE=30
MAXLENGTH=50 VALUE=""#Form.nameofdealer#""">

<!--- Check if a dealerlocation has been provided --->
<CFIF Len(Form.dealerlocation) is 0>
        <CFSET Valid = False>
        <CFSET Error = Error & "What is the location of your dealer?<BR>">

        <CFSET dealerlocation = "   <textarea name=""dealerlocation"" rows=""3""
VALUE=""#Form.dealerlocation#""> </textarea>"  >

<!--- Check if a income has been provided --->
<CFIF Len(Form.income) is 0>
        <CFSET Valid = False>
        <CFSET Error = Error & "What is your Income?<BR>">

         <CFSET income = "  <select name=""income""  VALUE=""#Form.income#""   >
          <option value=""less than 20k"">Less than $20,000</option>
          <option value=""20k to 30k"">$20k to $30k</option>
          <option value=""$31k to $40k"">$31k to $40k</option>
          <option value=""$41k to $50k"">$41k to $50k</option>
          <option value=""$51k to $60k"">$51k to $60k</option>
          <option value=""$61k to $70k"">$61k to $70k</option>
          <option value=""$71k to $80k"">$71k to $80k</option>
          <option value=""$81k to $90k"">$81k to $90k</option>
          <option value=""$91k to $100k"">$91k to $100k</option>
          <option value=""a little over 100k"">A little over 100k</option>
          <option value=""way over 100k"">way over 100k</option>
        </select>   ">

        <!--- <CFSET income = "<INPUT TYPE=TEXT NAME=""income"" SIZE=30
MAXLENGTH=50 VALUE=""#Form.income#"""> --->

<!--- Check if a gender has been provided --->
<CFIF Len(Form.gender) is 0>
        <CFSET Valid = False>
        <CFSET Error = Error & "What is your gender?<BR>">

        <CFSET gender = " <select name=""gender"" VALUE=""#Form.gender#""  >
            <option value=""male"">male</option>
            <option value=""female"">female</option>

        <!--- <CFSET gender = "<INPUT TYPE=TEXT NAME=""gender"" SIZE=30
MAXLENGTH=50 VALUE=""#Form.gender#""">--->

<!--- Check if a ride_often has been provided --->
<CFIF Len(Form.ride_often) is 0>
        <CFSET Valid = False>
        <CFSET Error = Error & "How often do you ride?<BR>">

         <CFSET ride_often = " <select name=""ride_often""
VALUE=""#Form.ride_often#""   >
            <option value=""once a week"">once a week</option>
            <option value=""2 to 4 times a week"">2 to 4 times a
            <option value=""5 or more times a week"">5 or more times a
          </select> ">

        <!--- <CFSET ride_often = "<INPUT TYPE=TEXT NAME=""ride_often"" SIZE=30
MAXLENGTH=50 VALUE=""#Form.ride_often#""">--->

<!--- Check if a website_visit has been provided --->
<CFIF Len(Form.website_visit) is 0>
        <CFSET Valid = False>
        <CFSET Error = Error & "Did
          you visit this website before you purchased your frame? <br>
          Was it helpful? Why or why not?<br>Please answer this

                 <CFSET website_visit = "   <textarea name=""website_visit"" 
rows=""5"" VALUE=""#Form.website_visit#""> </textarea>"  >

<!--- Check if a motivated_buy has been provided --->
<CFIF Len(Form.motivated_buy) is 0>
        <CFSET Valid = False>
        <CFSET Error = Error & "What motivated you to buy your? <BR>">
         <CFSET motivated_buy = "   <textarea name=""motivated_buy"" cols=""50""
rows=""5"" VALUE=""#Form.motivated_buy#""> </textarea>"  >

<!--- Check if a dealer_assistance has been provided --->
<CFIF Len(Form.dealer_assistance) is 0>
        <CFSET Valid = False>
        <CFSET Error = Error & "What type of assistance did the dealer offer you
during your purchase?
Test ride, fitting, assistance with color selection, etc. <BR>">
         <CFSET dealer_assistance = "   <textarea name=""dealer_assistance""
cols=""50"" rows=""5"" VALUE=""#Form.dealer_assistance#""> </textarea>"  >

<!--- Check if a if_contact has been provided --->
<CFIF Len(Form.if_contact) is 0>
        <CFSET Valid = False>
        <CFSET Error = Error & "Did you contact IF during your purchasing period?
If so, why. <BR>">
         <CFSET if_contact = "   <textarea name=""if_contact"" cols=""50""
rows=""5"" VALUE=""#Form.if_contact#""> </textarea>"  >

<!--- Check if a festivals_attend has been provided --->
<CFIF Len(Form.festivals_attend) is 0>
        <CFSET Valid = False>
        <CFSET Error = Error & "Do you attend festivals? If so, which.
         <CFSET festivals_attend = "   <textarea name=""festivals_attend""
cols=""50"" rows=""5"" VALUE=""#Form.festivals_attend#""> </textarea>"  >

<!--- Check if a clubor_team has been provided --->
<CFIF Len(Form.clubor_team) is 0>
        <CFSET Valid = False>
        <CFSET Error = Error & "Do you belong to a club or team? If so, which.
         <CFSET clubor_team = "   <textarea name=""clubor_team"" cols=""50""
rows=""5"" VALUE=""#Form.clubor_team#""> </textarea>"  >

<!--- Check if a organized_rides has been provided --->
<CFIF Len(Form.organized_rides) is 0>
        <CFSET Valid = False>
        <CFSET Error = Error & "Do you race or attend organized rides or
fundraisers? if so, which. <BR>">
         <CFSET organized_rides = "   <textarea name=""organized_rides""
cols=""50"" rows=""5"" VALUE=""#Form.organized_rides#""> </textarea>"  >

<!--- Check if a otherif_frames has been provided --->
<CFIF Len(Form.otherif_frames) is 0>
        <CFSET Valid = False>
        <CFSET Error = Error & "Do you own any other IF frames? If so, what model.
 <CFSET otherif_frames = "   <textarea name=""otherif_frames"" cols=""50""
rows=""5"" VALUE=""#Form.otherif_frames#""> </textarea>"  >

<!--- Check if a purchase_another has been provided --->
<CFIF Len(Form.purchase_another) is 0>
        <CFSET Valid = False>
        <CFSET Error = Error & "Would you consider purchasing another IF? If so,
which. if not, why. <BR>">
         <CFSET purchase_another = "   <textarea name=""purchase_another""
cols=""50"" rows=""5"" VALUE=""#Form.purchase_another#""> </textarea>"  >

<!--- Check if the form is valid or not --->
<CFIF not Valid>
        <STRONG>Sorry. An error occurred.</STRONG><HR>

        <EM>Please correct the error</EM>

        <!--- Try this again! --->

        <FORM METHOD="POST" ACTION="warform2.cfm">

  <TABLE width="509" cellspacing="9">
    <!--- Field: registration.FirstName --->
      <TD valign="top" width="185">
        <div align="right"><font size="2" face="Arial, Helvetica,
          First Name </font></div>
    <!--- Field: registration.LastName --->
      <TD valign="top" width="185">
        <div align="right"><font size="2" face="Arial, Helvetica,
          Last Name </font></div>

         <!--- Field: registration.Age --->
      <TD valign="top" width="185">
        <div align="right"><font size="2" face="Arial, Helvetica,
          Age </font></div>


    <!--- Field: registration.Address --->
      <TD valign="top" width="185">
        <div align="right"><font size="2" face="Arial, Helvetica,
          Address </font></div>

    <!--- Field: registration.City --->
      <TD valign="top" width="185">
        <div align="right"><font size="2" face="Arial, Helvetica,
          City </font></div>
    <!--- Field: registration.StateOrProvince --->
      <TD valign="top" width="185">
        <div align="right"><font size="2" face="Arial, Helvetica,
          State/Province </font></div>
    <!--- Field: registration.PostalCode --->
      <TD valign="top" width="185">
        <div align="right"><font size="2" face="Arial, Helvetica,
          PostalCode </font></div>
    <!--- Field: registration.Country --->
      <TD valign="top" width="185">
        <div align="right"><font size="2" face="Arial, Helvetica,
          Country </font></div>
    <!--- Field: registration.EmailAddress --->
      <TD valign="top" width="185">
        <div align="right"><font size="2" face="Arial, Helvetica,
          Email Address </font></div>
    <!--- Field: registration.HomePhone --->
      <TD valign="top" width="185">
        <div align="right"><font size="2" face="Arial, Helvetica,
          Home Phone </font></div>
    <!--- Field: registration.Framemodel --->
      <TD valign="top" width="185" height="29">
        <div align="right"><font size="2" face="Arial, Helvetica,
          Frame Model </font></div>
    <!--- Field: registration.stockorcustom --->
      <TD valign="top" width="185">
        <div align="right"><font size="2" face="Arial, Helvetica,
          Was the frame stock or custom? </font></div>
    <!--- Field: registration.size --->
      <TD valign="top" width="185">
        <div align="right"><font size="2" face="Arial, Helvetica,
          Size </font></div>
    <!--- Field: registration.serial --->
      <TD valign="top" width="185">
        <div align="right"><font size="2" face="Arial, Helvetica,
          Serial Number </font></div>
    <!--- Field: registration.dateofpurchase --->
      <TD valign="top" width="185">
        <div align="right"><font size="2" face="Arial, Helvetica,
          Date of Purchase </font></div>
    <!--- Field: registration.color --->
      <TD valign="top" width="185">
        <div align="right"><font size="2" face="Arial, Helvetica,
          Color </font></div>
    <!--- Field: registration.nameofdealer --->
      <TD valign="top" width="185">
        <div align="right"><font size="2" face="Arial, Helvetica,
          Name of Dealer </font></div>
    <!--- Field: registration.dealerlocation --->
      <TD valign="top" width="185">
        <div align="right"><font size="2" face="Arial, Helvetica,
          Dealer Location </font></div>
      <TD valign="top" width="185">
        <div align="right"><font face="Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif"
    <!--- Field: registration.income --->

        <!--- Field: registration.gender --->
      <TD valign="top" width="185">
        <div align="right"><font size="2" face="Arial, Helvetica,
          Gender </font></div>
    <!--- Field: registration.ride_often --->
      <TD valign="top" width="185">
        <div align="right"><font size="2" face="Arial, Helvetica,
          How often you ride </font></div>
      <TD valign="top" colspan="2">
        <div align="left"><font size="2" face="Arial, Helvetica,
          you visit this website before you purchased your frame? <br>
          Was it helpful? Why or why not?<br>
          </font> <font size="2" face="Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif">
    <!--- Field: registration.website_visit ---> <!--- Field:
registration.motivated_buy --->
      <TD valign="top" colspan="2">
        <div align="left"><font size="2" face="Arial, Helvetica,
          What motivated you to buy your IF? </font>
    <!--- Field: registration.dealer_assistance --->
      <TD valign="top" colspan="2">
        <div align="left"><font size="2" face="Arial, Helvetica,
          What type of assistance did the dealer offer you during your
          Test ride, fitting, assistance with color selection, etc. <br>
    <!--- Field: registration.if_contact --->
      <TD valign="top" colspan="2">
        <div align="left"><font size="2" face="Arial, Helvetica,
          Did you contact IF during your purchasing period? If so, why. <br>
    <!--- Field: registration.festivals_attend --->
      <TD valign="top" colspan="2">
        <div align="left"><font size="2" face="Arial, Helvetica,
          Do you attend festivals? If so, which. <br>
    <!--- Field: registration.clubor_team --->
      <TD valign="top" colspan="2">
        <div align="left"><font size="2" face="Arial, Helvetica,
          Do you belong to a club or team? If so, which. </font>
    <!--- Field: registration.organized_rides --->
      <TD valign="top" colspan="2">
        <div align="left"><font size="2" face="Arial, Helvetica,
          Do you race or attend organized rides or fundraisers? if so,
    <!--- Field: registration.otherif_frames --->
      <TD valign="top" colspan="2">
        <div align="left"><font size="2" face="Arial, Helvetica,
          Do you own any other If so, what model. <br>
    <!--- Field: registration.purchase_another --->
      <TD valign="top" colspan="2">
        <div align="left"><font size="2" face="Arial, Helvetica,
          Would you consider purchasing another ? If so, which. if not, why.
    <input type="submit" value="Send to IF" name="submit">


        <!--- Place normal form-processing code here --->

        <CFINSERT dataSource="ifbikes" tableName="registration">

        <H1>Thank You!</H1>

Jeff Fongemie

        Structure your ColdFusion code with Fusebox. Get the official book at


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