use len(trim(form.lastname))   If the textbox (You did mean textbox, not
text area, yes?  a text block is a single line field that can only accept
255 charachters, while a textarea is multiline and has no max character
restriction) is empty, this combination of functions returns 0.... so your
cfif could look like this..

<cfif len(trim(form.lastname))>  <!--- Any number, 1 through whatever, will
trip this part --->
        do something
<cfelse> <!--- the number 0 trips this part --->

The secret is the trim function..... it gets rid of all leading and trailing
zeros... and will make your function return 0 when it should.

> -----Original Message-----
> From: Jeff Fongemie [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
> Sent: Friday, December 08, 2000 10:04 AM
> To: CF-Talk
> Subject: Form Validation Question
> This is sort of confusion to explain, but I will try.
> I'm attempting to validate a form using the example in 
> 4, pg 390, ex 15.4.
> Of course the book example is ultra simple. 3 easy text 
> fields, submits to
> another script that validates by checking to see if value is 
> zero. This is
> Cold Fusion validation by the way, no Java Script. I would 
> have used, client
> side JavaScript but could not get <CFSELECT> to give the 
> popup using the
> simple message attribute. I know there are other ways 
> w/JavaScript but I'm
> deep into this way and I think I am close.
> So, submit the form and then the next script checks for zero 
> values. If a
> zero value is found, a "you messed up" message is generated 
> and the form
> field is re-presented to be fixed. All works well, except I'm 
> using a few
> textareas. If the textareas do not get filled out on the "fix 
> it page" and
> submitted, they are not giving an error since there is some 
> value in there.
> <!--- Check if an address has been provided --->
> <CFIF Len(Form.Address) is 0>
>       <CFSET Valid = False>
>       <CFSET Error = Error & "An Address is required.<BR>">
>       <CFSET address = "   <textarea name=""Address"" rows=""3""
> VALUE=""#Form.Address#""> </textarea>"  >
> </CFIF>
> But, with another Formfield,
> <!--- Check if a last name has been provided --->
> <CFIF Len(Form.lastName) is 0>
>       <CFSET Valid = False>
>       <CFSET Error = Error & "A last Name is required.<BR>">
>       <CFSET lastName = "<INPUT TYPE=TEXT NAME=""lastName"" 
> VALUE=""#Form.lastName#""">
> </CFIF>
> the above can be submited over and over and will trigger the 
> zero value.
> What is wrong with my textareas so they make it past my 
> checking for zero
> values??
> Here is the complete code from the page:
> <!--- The warform_entryform.cfm sends its info here for 
> checking before
> insert into data base.  --->
> <!--- The following lines through 68 will set each value from 
> the form so if
> we need to return any fields back to be fixed, the user does 
> not retype
> everything --->
> <CFSET Valid = True>
> <CFSET Error = "">
> <CFSET firstname = "#Form.firstname#<INPUT TYPE=HIDDEN 
> NAME=""firstname""
> VALUE=""#Form.firstName#""">
> <CFSET lastname = "#Form.lastname#<INPUT TYPE=HIDDEN 
> NAME=""lasttname""
> VALUE=""#Form.lastName#""">
> <CFSET address = "#Form.address#<INPUT TYPE=HIDDEN NAME=""address""
> VALUE=""#Form.address#""">
> <CFSET age = "#Form.age#<INPUT TYPE=HIDDEN NAME=""age""
> VALUE=""#Form.age#""">
> <CFSET city = "<INPUT TYPE=HIDDEN NAME=""city""
> VALUE=""""">
> <CFSET StateOrProvince = "#Form.StateOrProvince#<INPUT TYPE=HIDDEN
> NAME=""StateOrProvince"" VALUE=""#Form.StateOrProvince#""">
> <CFSET PostalCode = "#Form.PostalCode#<INPUT TYPE=HIDDEN 
> NAME=""PostalCode""
> VALUE=""#Form.PostalCode#""">
> <CFSET Country = "#Form.Country#<INPUT TYPE=HIDDEN NAME=""Country""
> VALUE=""#Form.Country#""">
> <CFSET EmailAddress = "#Form.EmailAddress#<INPUT TYPE=HIDDEN
> NAME=""EmailAddress"" VALUE=""#EmailAddress#""">
> <CFSET HomePhone = "#Form.HomePhone#<INPUT TYPE=HIDDEN 
> NAME=""HomePhone""
> VALUE=""#HomePhone#""">
> <CFSET Framemodel = "#Form.Framemodel#<INPUT TYPE=HIDDEN 
> NAME=""Framemodel""
> VALUE=""#Framemodel#""">
> <CFSET stockorcustom = "#Form.stockorcustom#<INPUT TYPE=HIDDEN
> NAME=""stockorcustom"" VALUE=""#stockorcustom#""">
> <CFSET size = "#Form.size#<INPUT TYPE=HIDDEN NAME=""size""
> VALUE=""#size#""">
> <CFSET serial = "#Form.serial#<INPUT TYPE=HIDDEN NAME=""serial""
> VALUE=""#serial#""">
> <CFSET dateofpurchase = "#Form.dateofpurchase#<INPUT TYPE=HIDDEN
> NAME=""dateofpurchase"" VALUE=""#dateofpurchase#""">
> <CFSET color = "#Form.color#<INPUT TYPE=HIDDEN NAME=""color""
> VALUE=""#color#""">
> <CFSET nameofdealer = "#Form.nameofdealer#<INPUT TYPE=HIDDEN
> NAME=""nameofdealer"" VALUE=""#nameofdealer#""">
> <CFSET dealerlocation = "#Form.dealerlocation#<INPUT TYPE=HIDDEN
> NAME=""dealerlocation"" VALUE=""#dealerlocation#""">
> <CFSET income = "#Form.income#<INPUT TYPE=HIDDEN NAME=""income""
> VALUE=""#income#""">
> <CFSET gender = "#Form.gender#<INPUT TYPE=HIDDEN NAME=""gender""
> VALUE=""#gender#""">
> <CFSET ride_often = "#Form.ride_often#<INPUT TYPE=HIDDEN 
> NAME=""ride_often""
> VALUE=""#ride_often#""">
> <CFSET website_visit = "#Form.website_visit#<INPUT TYPE=HIDDEN
> NAME=""website_visit"" VALUE=""#website_visit#""">
> <CFSET ride_often = "#Form.ride_often#<INPUT TYPE=HIDDEN 
> NAME=""ride_often""
> VALUE=""#ride_often#""">
> <CFSET motivated_buy = "#Form.motivated_buy#<INPUT TYPE=HIDDEN
> NAME=""motivated_buy"" VALUE=""#motivated_buy#""">
> <CFSET dealer_assistance = "#Form.dealer_assistance#<INPUT TYPE=HIDDEN
> NAME=""dealer_assistance"" VALUE=""#dealer_assistance#""">
> <CFSET if_contact = "#Form.if_contact#<INPUT TYPE=HIDDEN 
> NAME=""if_contact""
> VALUE=""#if_contact#""">
> <CFSET festivals_attend = "#Form.festivals_attend#<INPUT TYPE=HIDDEN
> NAME=""festivals_attend"" VALUE=""#festivals_attend#""">
> <CFSET dealer_assistance = "#Form.dealer_assistance#<INPUT TYPE=HIDDEN
> NAME=""dealer_assistance"" VALUE=""#dealer_assistance#""">
> <CFSET clubor_team = "#Form.clubor_team#<INPUT TYPE=HIDDEN
> NAME=""clubor_team"" VALUE=""#clubor_team#""">
> <CFSET organized_rides = "#Form.organized_rides#<INPUT TYPE=HIDDEN
> NAME=""organized_rides"" VALUE=""#organized_rides#""">
> <CFSET otherif_frames = "#Form.otherif_frames#<INPUT TYPE=HIDDEN
> NAME=""otherif_frames"" VALUE=""#otherif_frames#""">
> <CFSET purchase_another = "#Form.purchase_another#<INPUT TYPE=HIDDEN
> NAME=""purchase_another"" VALUE=""#purchase_another#""">
> <!--- Check if a first name has been provided --->
> <CFIF Len(Form.firstName) is 0>
>       <CFSET Valid = False>
>       <CFSET Error = Error & "A First Name is required.<BR>">
>       <CFSET firstName = "<INPUT TYPE=TEXT NAME=""firstName"" SIZE=30
> MAXLENGTH=50 VALUE=""#Form.firstName#""">
> </CFIF>
> <!--- Check if a last name has been provided --->
> <CFIF Len(Form.lastName) is 0>
>       <CFSET Valid = False>
>       <CFSET Error = Error & "A last Name is required.<BR>">
>       <CFSET lastName = "<INPUT TYPE=TEXT NAME=""lastName"" 
> VALUE=""#Form.lastName#""">
> </CFIF>
> <!--- Check if an address has been provided --->
> <CFIF Len(Form.Address) is 0>
>       <CFSET Valid = False>
>       <CFSET Error = Error & "An Address is required.<BR>">
>       <CFSET address = "   <textarea name=""Address"" rows=""3""
> VALUE=""#Form.Address#""> </textarea>"  >
> </CFIF>
> <!--- Check if an age has been provided --->
> <CFIF Len(Form.Age) is 0>
>       <CFSET Valid = False>
>       <CFSET Error = Error & "An age is required.<BR>">
> VALUE=""#Form.Age#""">
> </CFIF>
> <!--- Check if an City has been provided --->
> <CFIF Len(Form.City) is 0>
>       <CFSET Valid = False>
>       <CFSET Error = Error & "A City is required.<BR>">
>       <CFSET City = "<INPUT TYPE=TEXT NAME=""City"" SIZE=30 
> VALUE=""#Form.City#""">
> </CFIF>
> <!--- Check if an StateOrProvince has been provided --->
> <CFIF Len(Form.StateOrProvince) is 0>
>       <CFSET Valid = False>
>       <CFSET Error = Error & "A State Or Province is required.<BR>">
>       <CFSET StateOrProvince = "<INPUT TYPE=TEXT 
> NAME=""StateOrProvince"" SIZE=30
> MAXLENGTH=50 VALUE=""#Form.StateOrProvince#""">
> </CFIF>
> <!--- Check if an PostalCode has been provided --->
> <CFIF Len(Form.PostalCode) is 0>
>       <CFSET Valid = False>
>       <CFSET Error = Error & "A Postal Code is required.<BR>">
>       <CFSET PostalCode = "<INPUT TYPE=TEXT 
> NAME=""PostalCode"" SIZE=30
> MAXLENGTH=50 VALUE=""#Form.PostalCode#""">
> </CFIF>
> <!--- Check if an Country has been provided --->
> <CFIF Len(Form.Country) is 0>
>       <CFSET Valid = False>
>       <CFSET Error = Error & "A Country is required.<BR>">
>       <CFSET Country = "<INPUT TYPE=TEXT NAME=""Country"" 
> VALUE=""#Form.Country#""">
> </CFIF>
> <!--- Check if the e-mail address is valid --->
> <CFSET Dot = 0>
> <CFSET At2 = 0>
> <CFSET At = Find("@",Form.EmailAddress)>
> <CFIF At greater than 0>
>       <CFSET At2 = Find("@",Form.EmailAddress,At+1)>
>       <CFSET Dot = Find(".",Form.EmailAddress,At+1)>
> </CFIF>
> <CFIF (Len(Form.EmailAddress) is not 0) and (At is 0 or At2 
> greater than 0
> or Dot is 0)>
>       <CFSET Valid = False>
>       <CFSET Error = Error & "The E-mail Address is invalid.<BR>">
>       <CFSET EmailAddress = "<INPUT TYPE=TEXT 
> NAME=""EmailAddress"" SIZE=20
> MAXLENGTH=30 VALUE=""#Form.EmailAddress#""">
> </CFIF>
> <!--- Check if a phone number has been provided --->
> <CFIF Len(Form.HomePhone) is 0>
>       <CFSET Valid = False>
>       <CFSET Error = Error & "A Phone Number is required.<BR>">
>       <CFSET HomePhone = "<INPUT TYPE=TEXT NAME=""HomePhone"" SIZE=12
> MAXLENGTH=12 VALUE=""#Form.HomePhone#""">
> </CFIF>
> <!--- Check if an Framemodel has been provided --->
> <CFIF Len(Form.Framemodel) is 0>
>       <CFSET Valid = False>
>       <CFSET Error = Error & "A Framemodel is required.<BR>">
>       <CFSET Framemodel = "<SELECT NAME=""Framemodel""
> VALUE=""#Form.Framemodel#"" >
>        <option></option>
>           <option value=""Ti Crown Jewel"">Ti Crown Jewel</option>
>           <option value=""Crown Jewel"">Crown Jewel</option>
>           <option value=""Independence"">Independence</option>
>           <option value=""Planet Cross"">Planet Cross</option>
>           <option value=""Deluxe"">Deluxe</option>
>           <option value=""Special"">Special</option>
>           <option value=""Club Racer"">Club Racer</option>
>         </select>">
>       <!--- <CFSET Framemodel = "<INPUT TYPE=TEXT 
> NAME=""Framemodel"" SIZE=30
> MAXLENGTH=50 VALUE=""#Form.Framemodel#""">--->
> </CFIF>
> <!--- Check if an stockorcustom has been provided --->
> <CFIF Len(Form.stockorcustom) is 0>
>       <CFSET Valid = False>
>       <CFSET Error = Error & "Stock or custom is required.<BR>">
>        <CFSET stockorcustom = "<select name=""stockorcustom""
> VALUE=""#Form.stockorcustom#"" >
>                <option></option>
>           <option value=""stock"">Stock</option>
>           <option value=""custom"">Custom</option>
>         </select>">
>       <!--- <CFSET stockorcustom = "<INPUT TYPE=TEXT 
> NAME=""stockorcustom""
> SIZE=30 MAXLENGTH=50 VALUE=""#Form.stockorcustom#""">--->
> </CFIF>
> <!--- Check if a size has been provided --->
> <CFIF Len(Form.size) is 0>
>       <CFSET Valid = False>
>       <CFSET Error = Error & "A Frame size is required.<BR>">
>       <CFSET size = "<INPUT TYPE=TEXT NAME=""size"" SIZE=30 
> VALUE=""#Form.size#""">
> </CFIF>
> <!--- Check if a serial has been provided --->
> <CFIF Len(Form.serial) is 0>
>       <CFSET Valid = False>
>       <CFSET Error = Error & "A serial number is required.<BR>">
>       <CFSET serial = "<INPUT TYPE=TEXT NAME=""serial"" 
> VALUE=""#Form.serial#""">
> </CFIF>
> <!--- Check if a dateofpurchase has been provided --->
> <CFIF Len(Form.dateofpurchase) is 0>
>       <CFSET Valid = False>
>       <CFSET Error = Error & "A date of purchase is required.<BR>">
>       <CFSET dateofpurchase = "<INPUT TYPE=TEXT 
> NAME=""dateofpurchase"" SIZE=30
> MAXLENGTH=50 VALUE=""#Form.dateofpurchase#""">
> </CFIF>
> <!--- Check if a color has been provided --->
> <CFIF Len(Form.color) is 0>
>       <CFSET Valid = False>
>       <CFSET Error = Error & "A color is required.<BR>">
>       <CFSET color = "<INPUT TYPE=TEXT NAME=""color"" SIZE=30 
> VALUE=""#Form.color#""">
> </CFIF>
> <!--- Check if a nameofdealer has been provided --->
> <CFIF Len(Form.nameofdealer) is 0>
>       <CFSET Valid = False>
>       <CFSET Error = Error & "What is the name of your dealer?<BR>">
>       <CFSET nameofdealer = "<INPUT TYPE=TEXT 
> NAME=""nameofdealer"" SIZE=30
> MAXLENGTH=50 VALUE=""#Form.nameofdealer#""">
> </CFIF>
> <!--- Check if a dealerlocation has been provided --->
> <CFIF Len(Form.dealerlocation) is 0>
>       <CFSET Valid = False>
>       <CFSET Error = Error & "What is the location of your 
> dealer?<BR>">
>       <CFSET dealerlocation = "   <textarea 
> name=""dealerlocation"" rows=""3""
> VALUE=""#Form.dealerlocation#""> </textarea>"  >
> </CFIF>
> <!--- Check if a income has been provided --->
> <CFIF Len(Form.income) is 0>
>       <CFSET Valid = False>
>       <CFSET Error = Error & "What is your Income?<BR>">
>        <CFSET income = "  <select name=""income""  
> VALUE=""#Form.income#""   >
>                <option></option>
>           <option value=""less than 20k"">Less than $20,000</option>
>           <option value=""20k to 30k"">$20k to $30k</option>
>           <option value=""$31k to $40k"">$31k to $40k</option>
>           <option value=""$41k to $50k"">$41k to $50k</option>
>           <option value=""$51k to $60k"">$51k to $60k</option>
>           <option value=""$61k to $70k"">$61k to $70k</option>
>           <option value=""$71k to $80k"">$71k to $80k</option>
>           <option value=""$81k to $90k"">$81k to $90k</option>
>           <option value=""$91k to $100k"">$91k to $100k</option>
>           <option value=""a little over 100k"">A little over 
> 100k</option>
>           <option value=""way over 100k"">way over 100k</option>
>         </select>   ">
>       <!--- <CFSET income = "<INPUT TYPE=TEXT NAME=""income"" SIZE=30
> MAXLENGTH=50 VALUE=""#Form.income#"""> --->
> </CFIF>
> <!--- Check if a gender has been provided --->
> <CFIF Len(Form.gender) is 0>
>       <CFSET Valid = False>
>       <CFSET Error = Error & "What is your gender?<BR>">
>       <CFSET gender = " <select name=""gender"" 
> VALUE=""#Form.gender#""  >
>                <option></option>
>             <option value=""male"">male</option>
>             <option value=""female"">female</option>
>           </select>">
>       <!--- <CFSET gender = "<INPUT TYPE=TEXT NAME=""gender"" SIZE=30
> MAXLENGTH=50 VALUE=""#Form.gender#""">--->
> </CFIF>
> <!--- Check if a ride_often has been provided --->
> <CFIF Len(Form.ride_often) is 0>
>       <CFSET Valid = False>
>       <CFSET Error = Error & "How often do you ride?<BR>">
>        <CFSET ride_often = " <select name=""ride_often""
> VALUE=""#Form.ride_often#""   >
>                  <option></option>
>             <option value=""once a week"">once a week</option>
>             <option value=""2 to 4 times a week"">2 to 4 times a
> week</option>
>             <option value=""5 or more times a week"">5 or more times a
> week</option>
>           </select> ">
>       <!--- <CFSET ride_often = "<INPUT TYPE=TEXT 
> NAME=""ride_often"" SIZE=30
> MAXLENGTH=50 VALUE=""#Form.ride_often#""">--->
> </CFIF>
> <!--- Check if a website_visit has been provided --->
> <CFIF Len(Form.website_visit) is 0>
>       <CFSET Valid = False>
>       <CFSET Error = Error & "Did
>           you visit this website before you purchased your frame? <br>
>           Was it helpful? Why or why not?<br>Please answer this
> question<BR>">
>                <CFSET website_visit = "   <textarea 
> name=""website_visit"" cols=""50""
> rows=""5"" VALUE=""#Form.website_visit#""> </textarea>"  >
> </CFIF>
> <!--- Check if a motivated_buy has been provided --->
> <CFIF Len(Form.motivated_buy) is 0>
>       <CFSET Valid = False>
>       <CFSET Error = Error & "What motivated you to buy your? <BR>">
>        <CFSET motivated_buy = "   <textarea 
> name=""motivated_buy"" cols=""50""
> rows=""5"" VALUE=""#Form.motivated_buy#""> </textarea>"  >
> </CFIF>
> <!--- Check if a dealer_assistance has been provided --->
> <CFIF Len(Form.dealer_assistance) is 0>
>       <CFSET Valid = False>
>       <CFSET Error = Error & "What type of assistance did the 
> dealer offer you
> during your purchase?
> Test ride, fitting, assistance with color selection, etc. <BR>">
>        <CFSET dealer_assistance = "   <textarea 
> name=""dealer_assistance""
> cols=""50"" rows=""5"" VALUE=""#Form.dealer_assistance#""> 
> </textarea>"  >
> </CFIF>
> <!--- Check if a if_contact has been provided --->
> <CFIF Len(Form.if_contact) is 0>
>       <CFSET Valid = False>
>       <CFSET Error = Error & "Did you contact IF during your 
> purchasing period?
> If so, why. <BR>">
>        <CFSET if_contact = "   <textarea name=""if_contact"" 
> cols=""50""
> rows=""5"" VALUE=""#Form.if_contact#""> </textarea>"  >
> </CFIF>
> <!--- Check if a festivals_attend has been provided --->
> <CFIF Len(Form.festivals_attend) is 0>
>       <CFSET Valid = False>
>       <CFSET Error = Error & "Do you attend festivals? If so, which.
> <BR>">
>        <CFSET festivals_attend = "   <textarea 
> name=""festivals_attend""
> cols=""50"" rows=""5"" VALUE=""#Form.festivals_attend#""> 
> </textarea>"  >
> </CFIF>
> <!--- Check if a clubor_team has been provided --->
> <CFIF Len(Form.clubor_team) is 0>
>       <CFSET Valid = False>
>       <CFSET Error = Error & "Do you belong to a club or 
> team? If so, which.
> <BR>">
>        <CFSET clubor_team = "   <textarea 
> name=""clubor_team"" cols=""50""
> rows=""5"" VALUE=""#Form.clubor_team#""> </textarea>"  >
> </CFIF>
> <!--- Check if a organized_rides has been provided --->
> <CFIF Len(Form.organized_rides) is 0>
>       <CFSET Valid = False>
>       <CFSET Error = Error & "Do you race or attend organized rides or
> fundraisers? if so, which. <BR>">
>        <CFSET organized_rides = "   <textarea name=""organized_rides""
> cols=""50"" rows=""5"" VALUE=""#Form.organized_rides#""> 
> </textarea>"  >
> </CFIF>
> <!--- Check if a otherif_frames has been provided --->
> <CFIF Len(Form.otherif_frames) is 0>
>       <CFSET Valid = False>
>       <CFSET Error = Error & "Do you own any other IF frames? 
> If so, what model.
> <BR>">
>  <CFSET otherif_frames = "   <textarea 
> name=""otherif_frames"" cols=""50""
> rows=""5"" VALUE=""#Form.otherif_frames#""> </textarea>"  >
> </CFIF>
> <!--- Check if a purchase_another has been provided --->
> <CFIF Len(Form.purchase_another) is 0>
>       <CFSET Valid = False>
>       <CFSET Error = Error & "Would you consider purchasing 
> another IF? If so,
> which. if not, why. <BR>">
>        <CFSET purchase_another = "   <textarea 
> name=""purchase_another""
> cols=""50"" rows=""5"" VALUE=""#Form.purchase_another#""> 
> </textarea>"  >
> </CFIF>
> <!--- Check if the form is valid or not --->
> <CFIF not Valid>
>       <STRONG>Sorry. An error occurred.</STRONG><HR>
>       <CFOUTPUT>#Error#</CFOUTPUT>
>       <EM>Please correct the error</EM>
>       <!--- Try this again! --->
>       <FORM METHOD="POST" ACTION="warform2.cfm">
>   <TABLE width="509" cellspacing="9">
>     <!--- Field: registration.FirstName --->
>     <TR>
>       <TD valign="top" width="185">
>         <div align="right"><font size="2" face="Arial, Helvetica,
> sans-serif">
>           First Name </font></div>
>       </TD>
>      <TD><CFOUTPUT>#firstName#</CFOUTPUT></TD>
>     </TR>
>     <!--- Field: registration.LastName --->
>     <TR>
>       <TD valign="top" width="185">
>         <div align="right"><font size="2" face="Arial, Helvetica,
> sans-serif">
>           Last Name </font></div>
>       </TD>
>       <TD><CFOUTPUT>#lastName#</CFOUTPUT></TD>
>     </TR>
>        <!--- Field: registration.Age --->
>     <TR>
>       <TD valign="top" width="185">
>         <div align="right"><font size="2" face="Arial, Helvetica,
> sans-serif">
>           Age </font></div>
>       </TD>
>       <TD><CFOUTPUT>#Age#</CFOUTPUT></TD>
>     </TR>
>     <!--- Field: registration.Address --->
>     <TR>
>       <TD valign="top" width="185">
>         <div align="right"><font size="2" face="Arial, Helvetica,
> sans-serif">
>           Address </font></div>
>       </TD>
>       <TD><CFOUTPUT>#Address#</CFOUTPUT></TD>
>     </TR>
>     <!--- Field: registration.City --->
>     <TR>
>       <TD valign="top" width="185">
>         <div align="right"><font size="2" face="Arial, Helvetica,
> sans-serif">
>           City </font></div>
>       </TD>
>       <TD><CFOUTPUT>#City#</CFOUTPUT></TD>
>     </TR>
>     <!--- Field: registration.StateOrProvince --->
>     <TR>
>       <TD valign="top" width="185">
>         <div align="right"><font size="2" face="Arial, Helvetica,
> sans-serif">
>           State/Province </font></div>
>       </TD>
>         <TD><CFOUTPUT>#StateOrProvince#</CFOUTPUT></TD>
>     </TR>
>     <!--- Field: registration.PostalCode --->
>     <TR>
>       <TD valign="top" width="185">
>         <div align="right"><font size="2" face="Arial, Helvetica,
> sans-serif">
>           PostalCode </font></div>
>       </TD>
>        <TD><CFOUTPUT>#PostalCode#</CFOUTPUT></TD>
>     </TR>
>     <!--- Field: registration.Country --->
>     <TR>
>       <TD valign="top" width="185">
>         <div align="right"><font size="2" face="Arial, Helvetica,
> sans-serif">
>           Country </font></div>
>       </TD>
>       <TD><CFOUTPUT>#Country#</CFOUTPUT></TD>
>     </TR>
>     <!--- Field: registration.EmailAddress --->
>     <TR>
>       <TD valign="top" width="185">
>         <div align="right"><font size="2" face="Arial, Helvetica,
> sans-serif">
>           Email Address </font></div>
>       </TD>
>        <TD><CFOUTPUT>#EmailAddress#</CFOUTPUT></TD>
>     </TR>
>     <!--- Field: registration.HomePhone --->
>     <TR>
>       <TD valign="top" width="185">
>         <div align="right"><font size="2" face="Arial, Helvetica,
> sans-serif">
>           Home Phone </font></div>
>       </TD>
>       <TD><CFOUTPUT>#HomePhone#</CFOUTPUT></TD>
>     </TR>
>     <!--- Field: registration.Framemodel --->
>     <TR>
>       <TD valign="top" width="185" height="29">
>         <div align="right"><font size="2" face="Arial, Helvetica,
> sans-serif">
>           Frame Model </font></div>
>       </TD>
>       <TD><CFOUTPUT>#Framemodel#</CFOUTPUT></TD>
>     </TR>
>     <!--- Field: registration.stockorcustom --->
>     <TR>
>       <TD valign="top" width="185">
>         <div align="right"><font size="2" face="Arial, Helvetica,
> sans-serif">
>           Was the frame stock or custom? </font></div>
>       </TD>
>     <TD><CFOUTPUT>#stockorcustom#</CFOUTPUT></TD>
>     </TR>
>     <!--- Field: registration.size --->
>     <TR>
>       <TD valign="top" width="185">
>         <div align="right"><font size="2" face="Arial, Helvetica,
> sans-serif">
>           Size </font></div>
>       </TD>
>        <TD><CFOUTPUT>#size#</CFOUTPUT></TD>
>     </TR>
>     <!--- Field: registration.serial --->
>     <TR>
>       <TD valign="top" width="185">
>         <div align="right"><font size="2" face="Arial, Helvetica,
> sans-serif">
>           Serial Number </font></div>
>       </TD>
>        <TD><CFOUTPUT>#serial#</CFOUTPUT></TD>
>     </TR>
>     <!--- Field: registration.dateofpurchase --->
>     <TR>
>       <TD valign="top" width="185">
>         <div align="right"><font size="2" face="Arial, Helvetica,
> sans-serif">
>           Date of Purchase </font></div>
>       </TD>
>        <TD><CFOUTPUT>#dateofpurchase#</CFOUTPUT></TD>
>     </TR>
>     <!--- Field: registration.color --->
>     <TR>
>       <TD valign="top" width="185">
>         <div align="right"><font size="2" face="Arial, Helvetica,
> sans-serif">
>           Color </font></div>
>       </TD>
>        <TD><CFOUTPUT>#color#</CFOUTPUT></TD>
>     </TR>
>     <!--- Field: registration.nameofdealer --->
>     <TR>
>       <TD valign="top" width="185">
>         <div align="right"><font size="2" face="Arial, Helvetica,
> sans-serif">
>           Name of Dealer </font></div>
>       </TD>
>        <TD><CFOUTPUT>#nameofdealer#</CFOUTPUT></TD>
>     </TR>
>     <!--- Field: registration.dealerlocation --->
>     <TR>
>       <TD valign="top" width="185">
>         <div align="right"><font size="2" face="Arial, Helvetica,
> sans-serif">
>           Dealer Location </font></div>
>       </TD>
>       <TD><CFOUTPUT>#dealerlocation#</CFOUTPUT></TD>
>     </TR>
>     <TR>
>       <TD valign="top" width="185">
>         <div align="right"><font face="Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif"
> size="2">Your
>           Income</font></div>
>       </TD>
>      <TD><CFOUTPUT>#income#</CFOUTPUT></TD>
>     </TR>
>     <!--- Field: registration.income --->
>       <!--- Field: registration.gender --->
>     <TR>
>       <TD valign="top" width="185">
>         <div align="right"><font size="2" face="Arial, Helvetica,
> sans-serif">
>           Gender </font></div>
>       </TD>
>       <TD><CFOUTPUT>#gender#</CFOUTPUT></TD>
>     </TR>
>     <!--- Field: registration.ride_often --->
>     <TR>
>       <TD valign="top" width="185">
>         <div align="right"><font size="2" face="Arial, Helvetica,
> sans-serif">
>           How often you ride </font></div>
>       </TD>
>       <TD><CFOUTPUT>#ride_often#</CFOUTPUT></TD>
>     </TR>
>     <TR>
>       <TD valign="top" colspan="2">
>         <div align="left"><font size="2" face="Arial, Helvetica,
> sans-serif">Did
>           you visit this website before you purchased your frame? <br>
>           Was it helpful? Why or why not?<br>
>           </font> <font size="2" face="Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif">
> </font>
>          <CFOUTPUT>#website_visit#</CFOUTPUT>
>         </div>
>       </TD>
>     </TR>
>     <!--- Field: registration.website_visit ---> <!--- Field:
> registration.motivated_buy --->
>     <TR>
>       <TD valign="top" colspan="2">
>         <div align="left"><font size="2" face="Arial, Helvetica,
> sans-serif">
>           What motivated you to buy your IF? </font>
>             <CFOUTPUT>#motivated_buy#</CFOUTPUT>
>         </div>
>       </TD>
>     </TR>
>     <!--- Field: registration.dealer_assistance --->
>     <TR>
>       <TD valign="top" colspan="2">
>         <div align="left"><font size="2" face="Arial, Helvetica,
> sans-serif">
>           What type of assistance did the dealer offer you during your
> purchase?
>           <br>
>           Test ride, fitting, assistance with color 
> selection, etc. <br>
>           </font>
>           <CFOUTPUT>#dealer_assistance#</CFOUTPUT>
>         </div>
>       </TD>
>     </TR>
>     <!--- Field: registration.if_contact --->
>     <TR>
>       <TD valign="top" colspan="2">
>         <div align="left"><font size="2" face="Arial, Helvetica,
> sans-serif">
>           Did you contact IF during your purchasing period? 
> If so, why. <br>
>           </font>
>            <CFOUTPUT>#if_contact#</CFOUTPUT>
>         </div>
>       </TD>
>     </TR>
>     <!--- Field: registration.festivals_attend --->
>     <TR>
>       <TD valign="top" colspan="2">
>         <div align="left"><font size="2" face="Arial, Helvetica,
> sans-serif">
>           Do you attend festivals? If so, which. <br>
>           </font>
>            <CFOUTPUT>#festivals_attend#</CFOUTPUT>
>         </div>
>       </TD>
>     </TR>
>     <!--- Field: registration.clubor_team --->
>     <TR>
>       <TD valign="top" colspan="2">
>         <div align="left"><font size="2" face="Arial, Helvetica,
> sans-serif">
>           Do you belong to a club or team? If so, which. </font>
>          <CFOUTPUT>#clubor_team#</CFOUTPUT>
>         </div>
>       </TD>
>     </TR>
>     <!--- Field: registration.organized_rides --->
>     <TR>
>       <TD valign="top" colspan="2">
>         <div align="left"><font size="2" face="Arial, Helvetica,
> sans-serif">
>           Do you race or attend organized rides or fundraisers? if so,
> which.
>           </font>
>          <CFOUTPUT>#organized_rides#</CFOUTPUT>
>         </div>
>       </TD>
>     </TR>
>     <!--- Field: registration.otherif_frames --->
>     <TR>
>       <TD valign="top" colspan="2">
>         <div align="left"><font size="2" face="Arial, Helvetica,
> sans-serif">
>           Do you own any other If so, what model. <br>
>           </font>
>          <CFOUTPUT>#otherif_frames#</CFOUTPUT>
>       </TD>
>     </TR>
>     <!--- Field: registration.purchase_another --->
>     <TR>
>       <TD valign="top" colspan="2">
>         <div align="left"><font size="2" face="Arial, Helvetica,
> sans-serif">
>           Would you consider purchasing another ? If so, 
> which. if not, why.
>           </font>
>          <CFOUTPUT>#purchase_another#</CFOUTPUT>
>         </div>
>       </TD>
>     </TR>
>   </TABLE>
>   <P>
>     <input type="submit" value="Send to IF" name="submit">
> </FORM>
>       <!--- Place normal form-processing code here --->
>       <CFINSERT dataSource="ifbikes" tableName="registration">
>       <H1>Thank You!</H1>
> </CFIF>
> Jeff Fongemie
        Structure your ColdFusion code with Fusebox. Get the official book at


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