And finally, you could simpy reference the original query using array
notation (e.g. getcs["cscount"][1], getcs["cscount"][2] etc) and avoid
the extra work.

mxAjax / CFAjax docs and other useful articles:

2009/5/28 Scott Stroz <>:
> Just to throw out another solution, you can get the same result you
> initailly tried by doing the following:
> <cfloop query="getcs">
>     <cfset variables["row"&getcs.currentRow] = getcs.cscount />
> </cfloop>
> On Thu, May 28, 2009 at 7:58 AM, Peter Boughton <> wrote:
>>> I need to store every row
>>> into a different distinct variable.
>> You probably don't, and should instead be using an array.
>> MyValues = ListToArray( ValueList( MyQuery.ColumnName ) )
>> Then you can do MyValues[1] to MyValues[9] to get at the variables.
>> If you *really* need to create individual variables, you can then do:
>> <cfloop index="i" from="1" to="#ArrayLen(MyValues)#">
>>    <cfset Variables['MyVariable#i#'] = MyValues[i] />
>> </cfloop>
>> But don't do that - use the array.

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