Thanks Andy, a really useful presentation. Certainly given me a lot to think 



>Simon Free gave an excellent presentation to the Nashville CFUG on "writing
>public facing APIs". I'd point you that direction to get started:
>Andy matthews 
>Hi All, long time lurker, first time poster here.
>I was hoping someone could offer me some advice. A company I working for
>would like to start exposing some of their internal systems to the outside
>world using webservices. Obviously we want to do this in a secure and
>controlled manner as possible. I was hoping to pass all requests through a
>single function in a cfc. This cfc would examine the request, check
>passwords, ip adddresses and validate data before calling the actual
>required function from another cfc and passing data back to the client. I
>was thinking of doing this by passing an xml packet as the only argument to
>the main cfc and then parsing this file to determine the desired method,
>username, password and other arguments. 
>I'd like to know if this sounds like I'm heading in the right direction, or
>am I talking total nonsense? Is there an already written framework for
>creating webservices in a more controlled manner than just setting the odd
>cfc to 'remote'? I would be eternally grateful if anyone could assist.

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