
We're still missing one more thing.  That is what the request headers
look like when your CF server makes its CFHTTP call.  You need to know
what that looks like so you can find the differences.

Install MS Fiddler, go to its "Request Builder" tab and paste in these
exact headers your browser is sending.  Fiddler has separate form fields
for the host/get part and http version.  Click "Execute".

That should exactly emulate your browser's request.  Change the request
line by line to look like CF's request and re-submit it until it stops
returning what you expect.  That will be the difference.

I can tell you right now that CFHTTP isn't going to be sending those
cookies which are very likely part of the problem.  

You can specify cookie headers with <cfhttpparam type="COOKIE" name=""
value="" />

Here is blog post on the topic:

The web service provider should have documented information as what the
web service requires to be consumed including whether cookies need to be
accepted and returned.


-------- Original Message --------
Subject: Re: CFHTTP Problem - is file type extension required?
From: Gerald Weir <>
Date: Thu, June 04, 2009 2:12 pm
To: cf-talk <>

Is this what you need? I'm beginning to think that it is a security
setting on the web service itself. Like an access setting in a
cffunction. I'm not sure how the web service is constructed - it's not

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