Repost/Edit: apparently msoft forefront exchange server thinks I was being

You don't need evaluate for dynamically created form variables, in almost
all cases the struct syntax #form['type'&idx]# will suffice and is more
efficient. For this particular scenario, evaluate is an unnecessary overhead
and should be avoided.

<cfquery datasource="#request.datasource#">
        <cfloop from="1" to="#rows#" index="idx">
                INSERT INTO tbl_ballotOrder (
                ) VALUES (
                        <cfqueryparam value="#form['type'&idx]#"
cfsqltype="cf_sql_varchar" />,
                        <cfqueryparam value="#form['number'&idx]#"
cfsqltype="cf_sql_integer" />,
                        <cfqueryparam value="#form['issue'&idx]#"
cfsqltype="cf_sql_varchar" />


May I also point out the use of CFQUERYPARAM. It's basic principles; unless
you've got a *very* fine reason not to, always use cfqueryparam. Protect
yourself from SQL injection attacks, make your life easier.

No offence intended, but Will I urge you to ignore the 'evaluate' based


-----Original Message-----
From: Ryan Letulle []
Sent: Wednesday, 10 June 2009 10:25 AM
To: cf-talk
Subject: Re: CFLOOP inside a CFQuery

I agree with NK pay attention to the evaluate function.  It works like a
charm for dynamically created form variables.  I use it often. :)
Ryan LeTulle

On Tue, Jun 9, 2009 at 6:30 PM, N K <> wrote:

> Check the following link might help...
> > Hello all,
> > I have a dynamically generated form that I need to figure out how to 
> > get the data from that form in to our database. Here is the way it 
> > works.  First the client types in the number of machines they have 
> > and the form generates the correct number of rows so that the info 
> > about each machine is located on a separate row. That all works well 
> > until they hit submit (or will hit submit if I figure out the next
> > How do I create a cfquery that has the correct number of values so 
> > that each machines data is stored correctly?
> >
> > For example I will have row one with lets say three fields (Type, 
> > number, issue).  Lets say a client has a problem with 10 machines.
> > The form now has 10 rows with 3 columns in each.  Each field in row 
> > one is named type1, number1, issue1 and row two is type2, number2, 
> > issue2, etc..  The number next to the name is placed there by 
> > putting the index of the loop in the name field.  So this is where I 
> > was going to use a CFLOOP inside a CFquery to create field names 
> > dynamically.  I can get it to repeate the information correctly, 
> > however the problem is the index of the loop does not seem to get 
> > attached to the form value I am putting into the database.
> >
> > I am doing something like:
> >
> > <cfquery datasource="#request.datasource#">
> > INSERT into tbl_ballotOrder (type, number, issue) Values ( <cfloop 
> > from="1" to="#rows#" step="1" index="LoopCount">
> >
> > '#FORM.type##LoopCount#', '#FORM.number##LoopCount#', '#FORM.
> > issue##LoopCount#'
> >
> > </cfloop>
> > )
> > </cfquery>
> > </cfif>

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