I've got a client site that keeps going down and the reason is rather
strange. Some domain has read the sitemap for the site and is hitting
the site 10+ times in a single second. Now this would not be a problem
except that according to the IIS logs, they are holding open the
connection for a huge amount of time, well above the timeout value set
in the CF admin. Even if the page is returning 0 bytes, the connection
stays active for 150 seconds.
Has anyone heard of this?

I'm coding a solution to abort any connection that has more than 4
connections in a single second but that feels like a hack.

Michael Dinowitz (http://www.linkedin.com/in/mdinowitz)
President: House of Fusion    (http://www.houseoffusion.com)
Publisher: Fusion Authority    (http://www.fusionauthority.com)
Adobe Community Expert / Advanced Certified ColdFusion Professional
Si, soy el senor "chico malo" para todos

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