Wow, I'm not sure where to start. 

I guess I'll start by saying the whole "" string is
NOT what you should actually be typing into your code unless you have an
"ajax" folder in a "to" folder in a "mapping" folder in a "cf" folder in
your webroot.  (not likely)

When the AjaxCFC documentation said that, they intended for you to
replace the text "" with the actual honest-go-goodness
path on your specific server.  The path to a CFC is simply a period
delimited list of directories starting in your web root, a mapping, or a
custom tag path.  

If the ajax.cfc file is in the same directory as the CFC's that are
extending it, then you don't need the dot delimited path.  If the
ajax.cfc file is anywhere else, you need to create the period delimited
path to the file based on WHERE IT IS ON YOUR SERVER.  From your posts,
I'm not sure where you have the ajax.cfc file, but if it was off the web
root in a folder called geeILikeIceCream then you would do this in your

<cfcomponent name="myMagicalAjaxWebService"

As far as your permission denied error, I don't think that has anything
to do with your cfm files, what your objects do, the flow of your
application, or the weather outside.  Like I said in my initial reply,
you need to do two things:

1) Confirm the windows user your ColdFusion service is running as
2) Grant Read rights for that user to the web-inf directory that was
referenced by the error message.

Until you do that, it is mostly a waste of time to talk about how the
app works.  If you are saying that some of your ajax calls work, but
others produce that permission error, then I don't know what to tell you
without knowing more information.  

If you can't create an instance of your component and call a method with
cfinvoke (which is what AjaxCFC does) without getting that permissions
denied on component.cfc then you definitely need to fix permissions.

I have a suspicion that there are some other errors at play, but we will
need more info than knowing that your server "barked" at you to help. 
Have you looked into AjaxCFC's logging feature to catch what errors are
happening on the server side.  Also, use Fiddler or FireBug to get the
actual HTTP request of your Ajax calls and run them by themselves in a
new browser window.  If a bunch of Javasciprt is output it is probably
working, otherwise you should see the error.

Good Look.


-------- Original Message --------
Subject: Re: ajaxCFC Access Denied
From: David Torres <>
Date: Wed, June 17, 2009 4:15 pm
To: cf-talk <>

OK, something weird is happing here. I did not reply to your question
earlier because things seemed to start working. I made some changes to
some of my logic in one my CFC and CFC file, and now that page is giving
me the same error again.

To answer your questions:
Are you using shared hosting? Yes
Do you have access to the CF administrator web interface? Yes
Are you still getting your "Access denied…”? Yes
Do you have a folder called "components" in your web root? Yes

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