Yes, I'm pretty certain that's how it works. You may want to test the actual CF 
URLs even if you've moved CFIDE, as CF has a defined URL pattern match in its 
configuration to ensure that some URLs work in any case.

Dave Watts, CTO, Fig Leaf Software 

-----Original Message-----
From: Ian Skinner <>
Sent: Friday, 03 July, 2009 10:08
To: cf-talk <>
Subject: Re: New CF8 vulnerability

Dave Watts wrote:
> You may want to check for this on any clients/projects you've worked with:

How does this exploit actually work?  I presume it is somebody directly 
accessing the exposed, vulnerable, exploitable files via  Is that correct?  If so, we 
may have been lucky enough that our cfide folder is not publicly 
available at the moment, but I would like to know more as I present this 
up the chain to get remediation steps done on our production servers.

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