I'll have to take a look at Ext again as well. We bought a license to
get at svn a bit before the 3.0 beta release at the April conference.
At that point, at least, there had been no substantial themeing
changes and all that they were really releasing was Core. It isn't
obvious from the site now if anything besides Core has been released.
Perhaps it is just confusion though. When they released 3.0 Core, I
expected there to be a follow up with 3.0 Other Bits. Have they rolled
it back into one project? Is there no separation between Core
and...other stuff?

Do check out the themeroller for JQueryUI. You can do a lot of on the
fly skinning for people with different color look/feels without having
to change any images at all and that is huge for rolling out
multi-customer websites.


On Thu, Jul 9, 2009 at 2:37 PM, Cutter
(ColdFusion)<cold.fus...@cutterscrossing.com> wrote:
> You're looking at the wrong bits. Ext Core is the same thing as JQuery,
> a DOM manipulation and Ajax setup. Ext Js (full) would be the components
> (similar to JQueryUI, though more full featured).
> Theming does require a log of images. With the various controls we've
> customized, I know I've had to change about 30. Spket can help, doing
> the entire library, if you're theming only entails color differences.
> I've never seen (or heard) of the themeroller engine for JQueryUI. I'll
> take a look at it.
> Steve "Cutter" Blades
> Adobe Certified Professional
> Advanced Macromedia ColdFusion MX 7 Developer
> Co-Author of "Learning Ext JS"
> http://www.packtpub.com/learning-ext-js/book
> _____________________________
> http://blog.cutterscrossing.com
> On 7/9/2009 12:48 PM, Judah McAuley wrote:
>> I'll take a look again but Ext Core did not seem to have much of
>> anything in the way of themeing options that didn't still require 101
>> images. And given that a lot of the widgets were pulled out of Ext
>> Core and have yet to be upgraded..I'm dubious.
>> JQuery UI has the themeroller engine. I'm still amazing impressed by
>> it. I really love the way that Ext is engineered but until it has
>> something similar to themeroller, it really isn't "skinable" in the
>> way that people are going to expect.
>> Judah
>> On Thu, Jul 9, 2009 at 8:58 AM, Cutter
>> (ColdFusion)<cold.fus...@cutterscrossing.com>  wrote:
>>> Theming is much easier, as they've broken down the CSS by component
>>> within the build files. There have been multiple themes available via
>>> the forums and learning center of the Ext site for quite a while, and
>>> the Spket IDE (http://www.spket.com/) has a custom theming tool built in
>>> as well.
>>> Steve "Cutter" Blades
>>> Adobe Certified Professional
>>> Advanced Macromedia ColdFusion MX 7 Developer
>>> Co-Author of "Learning Ext JS"
>>> http://www.packtpub.com/learning-ext-js/book
>>> _____________________________

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