You should just need to change:




I can't be 100% but I think I needed to restart ColdFusion.

My flex-remoting.xml with the default ColdFusion destination looks  
like this:

  <destination id="ColdFusion">
             <channel ref="my-cfamf"/>
             <!-- define the resolution rules and access level of the  
cfc being invoked -->
                 <!-- Use the ColdFusion mappings to find CFCs, by  
default only CFC files under your webroot can be found. -->
                 <!-- allow "public and remote" or just "remote"  
methods to be invoked -->

                 <!-- cfc property names -->
                 <!-- Query column names -->
                 <!-- struct keys -->


On 10/07/2009, at 8:34 PM, heath stein wrote:

>> Did you enable mappings in the remoting-config.xm file?  Also does
>> the mapping exist?  By default its off.
>> Paul
>> On 10/07/2009, at 1:47 PM, heath stein wrote:
> Paul, I have enabled mapping in the flex/remoting-config.xml file.  
> I have set up a mapping in the CF Admin, But not in the flex/ 
> remoting-config.xml file. Do I need to set up mapping in the flex/ 
> remoting-config.xml file? If so what is the xml tags needed.
> Also this is strange but it doesn't throw any error just returns  
> null. Is that a usual  response if flash remoting is not configured  
> properly?
> Thanks for the Help
> Heath

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