Just because I can't help myself, you may find the whole thing more readable, 
and easier to maintain with a CFSWITCH statement in place of all those ELSE's.  
Also probably more performant with only parsing the string once or twice per 

<cfoutput query="Recordset1">
        <cfset route = "Invalid">
        <cfswitch expression="#mid(current_route_id, 1, 2)#">
        <cfcase value="01">
                <cfset route = "Phoenix">
        <cfcase value="02">
                <cfset route = "P">
        <cfcase value="03">
                <cfset route = "M">
        <cfcase value="04">
                <cfset route = "S">
        <cfcase value="05">
                <cfset route = "T">
        <cfcase value="07">
                <cfset route = "X">
        <cfcase value="08">
                <cfset route = "PU">
        <cfcase value="09">
                <cfset route = "UPS">
        <cfcase value="10">
                <cfset route = "G">
        <cfcase value="11">
                <cfset route = "Inactive">
        <cfcase value="A0">
                <cfif listFindNoCase("A01,A02,A03,A04", mid(current_route_id, 
1, 3))>
                        <cfset route = mid(current_route_id, 1, 3) />
        <!-- Outputs the variables in Recordset in a table -->

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