You can also make the if/else statements more readable by getting rid
of the unnecessary quotes and hashes:

<cfesleif mid(current_route_id,1,2) IS "02">

mxAjax / CFAjax docs and other useful articles:

2009/7/24 Michael Stevens <>:
> If it were PHP that's what I would've done but we have only a handful of
> cold fusion pages and I didn't want to spend a load of time on it. I think
> I'll take your suggestion and implement it that way in the future I'll have
> a sample to go by should I need to do it again...
> Thanks.
> -----Original Message-----
> From: Jason Fisher []
> Sent: Thursday, July 23, 2009 11:30 AM
> To: cf-talk
> Subject: Re: cfif, cfifelse problem... Invalid token '&apos;'...
> Just because I can't help myself, you may find the whole thing more
> readable, and easier to maintain with a CFSWITCH statement in place of all
> those ELSE's.  Also probably more performant with only parsing the string
> once or twice per loop.
> <cfoutput query="Recordset1">
>        <cfset route = "Invalid">
>        <cfswitch expression="#mid(current_route_id, 1, 2)#">
>        <cfcase value="01">
>                <cfset route = "Phoenix">
>        </cfcase>
>        <cfcase value="02">
>                <cfset route = "P">
>        </cfcase>
>        <cfcase value="03">
>                <cfset route = "M">
>        </cfcase>
>        <cfcase value="04">
>                <cfset route = "S">
>        </cfcase>
>        <cfcase value="05">
>                <cfset route = "T">
>        </cfcase>
>        <cfcase value="07">
>                <cfset route = "X">
>        </cfcase>
>        <cfcase value="08">
>                <cfset route = "PU">
>        </cfcase>
>        <cfcase value="09">
>                <cfset route = "UPS">
>        </cfcase>
>        <cfcase value="10">
>                <cfset route = "G">
>        </cfcase>
>        <cfcase value="11">
>                <cfset route = "Inactive">
>        </cfcase>
>        <cfcase value="A0">
>                <cfif listFindNoCase("A01,A02,A03,A04",
> mid(current_route_id, 1, 3))>
>                        <cfset route = mid(current_route_id, 1, 3) />
>                </cfif>
>        </cfcase>
>        </cfswitch>
>        <!-- Outputs the variables in Recordset in a table --> </cfoutput>

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