Easy enough.

Step 1>  Our windows team restores the data drive (contains ColdFusion 
install in multi-server configuration, ColdFusion templates, etc.  All 
but the OS, really).  This assumes that IIS and such is pre-installed 
with your standard windows image.  Not my department, the box is already 
there waiting for me on about day 2 of our DR testing.
Step 2>  Restore previous save of IIS meta data XML (right click within 
IIS... should be a save option somewhere.  Don't have IIS up in front of 
me at the moment.  You'd do this and save it to your data drive before 
it's backed up, or whatever.  Then right click, new site from file to 
create the site when the DR server is available).
Step 3>  Run <jrun4directory>\bin\jrunsvc -install <name of the instance 
in JRun> <service display> "<nifty description>" "<repeat nifty 
description>".  This sets it to autostart.  You would do this for every 
instance on the box (including admin).  I cannot recall if this starts 
it on installation.... I'm thinking not.  If you need to specify 
different JVM configs, you'd do this here.  Can't recall off the top of 
my head the option to do so.
Step 4>  Since our DNS/IP changes at the hot site, modify the IIS site 
to point to the correct IP.  Since this is an SSL based site, we need to 
generate a temporary cert for the new DNS name.

And, that was it.  Usually, I need to go through and install CF from 
scratch, copy the EAR file in, make sure all the settings are correct, 
create the IIS site from scratch, etc.  This was so much easier this 
year, I think I can actually get it into an "any idiot can do this" 
documented experience... which is actually what the client wants anyway.

Matthew Williams
Geodesic GraFX

Ian Skinner wrote:
> Matthew Williams wrote:
>> Do you use Verity or ODBC services?  If not, you can just restore the 
>> folder and the jrunsvc -install command to install each instance as a 
>> service.  I blogged about this here, 
>> http://www.geodesicgrafx.com/blog/index.cfm/2009/7/22/You-learn-something-new-every-day.
>> If you restore IIS (assuming you use IIS) from an XML export, all of the 
>> settings for the wsconfig come along for the ride as well.
> Would it be too much to ask what your "4 steps" look like?
> Ian

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