This question was cross posted at the same time and answered on cfaussies'
group almost immediately.
But was not followed through with.

On Wed, Aug 19, 2009 at 3:04 PM, Matt Quackenbush <>wrote:

> The code would certainly help pinpoint exactly where the issue lies, but as
> the error message indicates, it is caused by the fact that somewhere in
> your
> code a variable is declared twice within a function.  This can be caused by
> several factors.  Here are a couple of examples that will do it.
> Ex. 1
> <cffunction name="foo">
>    <cfargument name="bar" />
>    <cfset var bar = "" />
> </cffunction>
> Ex. 2
> <cffunction name="foo">
>      <cfscript>
>            var err = "";
>            try {
>               // code here
>            } catch (any err) {
>            }
>      </cfscript>
> </cffunction>

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