Sorry, only two issues really.

A real world scenario is when a user tries to insert a value that must be 
unique in the database. If a duplicate is found, SQL can return a reference 
code and a message stating that there is a duplicate found, an exception is 
thrown and an id is passed back - RAISERROR & @@ERROR. 

When this is thrown, the message states "[Macromedia][SQLServer JDBC Driver]" 
and then the RAISERROR message following. Nice for debugging but not so nice 
for passing the message and error code to a handler.

I would really like to be able to use the error codes and have a handler method 
based on which code it passed back. Not really possible. Kind of hokey not to 
throw a SQL exception (and pass back a value instead) since you would want SQL 
Server to log the exception. 

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