> I was wondering if this is even possible.
> given a list of plans...
> ...
> And given the user's input of say 10 lines and 9500 minutes. Is it
> possible to come up with the least costly set up that meets the
> requirements? For example. 10 lines 9,500 minutes would be
> 1 @ PLANI = 210.00 (6000 minutes)
> 7 @ PLANC = 294.00 (3500 minutes)
> 2 @ PLANA = 50.00 (0 minutes)
> total = 554.00
> You'd think it'd be
> 1 @ PLANI = 210.00 (6000 minutes)
> 1 @ PLANG = 105.00 (2100 minutes)
> 1 @ PLANF = 84.00 (1400 minutes)
> so that satisfies the 9500 minute requirement
> so the other lines would have to go to PLANA
> 7 @ PLANA = 175.00 (0 minutes)
> total = 574.00
> Any ideas would be most helpful!

This sounds like a variation of the traveling salesman problem:

My comp sci knowledge and math skills aren't really good enough to
help you come up with the best solution to your problem, but you might
take a look at the various approximation algorithms out there to find
a solution.

Dave Watts, CTO, Fig Leaf Software

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