For images/css/js files, if you use a relative path, the browser will
automatically use the protocol for the current page, so if your page
is HTTPS and you use a relative path for an image, the image will be
loaded using HTTPS.

The bindings will call the onRequest in App.cfc as that is juts a
regular ole HTTP request.

On Mon, Sep 7, 2009 at 6:52 PM, Richard
McKenna<> wrote:
> Hi all,
> I'm using SSL in a site for the first time and wasn't sure how to reference 
> external files within my pages (images, css, javascript etc.)
> I'm forcing the pages to use SSL with the following code, which will be 
> placed in my Application.cfc in the onRequest method.
> <cfif CGI.HTTPS EQ 'off'>
>     <cflocation url="https://#CGI.HTTP_HOST##CGI.PATH_INFO#?#QUERY_STRING#";>
> </cfif>
> Do i need to give the full path ( for 
> every reference to other files?
> Also I take it any cfincludes will automatically be called over https as 
> these are done before the file is sent to the browser?
> Last of all how would ajax calls with cfdiv work?
> <cfdiv bind="url:user_details.cfm?id=#userID#" />
> Will these call the onRequest from the Application.cfc?
> Kind regards,
> Richard

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