Friend and Guru Ryan Stille produced a bar code component for us that uses
an inexpensive commercial java class.


Mark A. Kruger, CFG, MCSE
(402) 408-3733 ext 105

-----Original Message-----
From: James Holmes [] 
Sent: Friday, September 18, 2009 11:01 AM
To: cf-talk
Subject: Re: coldfusion barcode

This may also help to use Barbecue (although the package may have changed a
little since then).

mxAjax / CFAjax docs and other useful articles:

2009/9/18 Kevin Pepperman <>:
> I have used the java lib barbecue 
> in CFML before and it worked
out well.
> On Fri, Sep 18, 2009 at 9:22 AM, Phillip Vector
> <>wrote:
>> I forget where I've seen it, I think RIAForge has barcode39.cfm.
>> It's a nice piece of program and generates lots of different types of 
>> codes.
>> Here's the code if you want it..
>> ================
>> <!---
>> =====================================================================
>> =============
>> FILE:                   barcode39.cfm - Custom tag for Code 39 (3 
>> from 9) barcodes
>> VERSION:                1.0
>> AUTHOR:                 Philip Pearson (Inspired by Ryan Masuga's 
>> version)
>> WRITTEN:                17/11/2004
>> DESCRIPTION:            Writes barcodes in a browser window ready to 
>> be printed and scanned.
>> COMMENTS:               Code 39 specs from
>> =====================================================================
>> ==============
>> --->
>> <!--- These are fairly self explanatory ---> <cfparam 
>> name="Attributes.InputValue"     default="INVALID"> <cfparam 
>> name="Attributes.BarWidth"       default="2"> <cfparam 
>> name="Attributes.BarHeight"      default="50"> <cfparam 
>> name="Attributes.TextTop"        default=""> <cfparam 
>> name="Attributes.TextBottom"     default=""> <cfparam 
>> name="Attributes.TextFontTop"    default="font: bold 14px Arial, 
>> sans-serif"> <cfparam name="Attributes.TextFontBottom" default="font: 
>> bold 18px Courier, sans-serif"> <cfparam name="Attributes.MarginTop"    
>> default="0"> <cfparam name="Attributes.MarginBottom"   default="0">
>> <!--- Initialize array. Note: not all characters are supported by the 
>> code 39 specification, --->
>> <!--- so invalid characters will show as a $ sign. Lowercase not 
>> supported either.           ---> <cfset code39 = ArrayNew(1)> <cfloop 
>> index="i" from="1" to="256">
>>        <cfset code39[i] = "000001110"> <!--- '$' is default init 
>> string
>> --->
>> </cfloop>
>> <!--- Load array with all the supported characters' bar attributes 
>> ---> <cfset code39[32] = "001101000"> <!---   ---> <cfset code39[36] 
>> = "000001110"> <!--- $ ---> <cfset code39[37] = "000000111"> <!--- % 
>> ---> <cfset code39[42] = "001101000"> <!--- * ---> <cfset code39[43] 
>> = "000001011"> <!--- + ---> <cfset code39[45] = "000111000"> <!--- - 
>> ---> <cfset code39[46] = "100101000"> <!--- . ---> <cfset code39[47] 
>> = "000001101"> <!--- / --->
>> <cfset code39[48] = "001100100"> <!--- 0 ---> <cfset code39[49] = 
>> "100010100"> <!--- 1 ---> <cfset code39[50] = "010010100"> <!--- 2 
>> ---> <cfset code39[51] = "110000100"> <!--- 3 ---> <cfset code39[52] 
>> = "001010100"> <!--- 4 ---> <cfset code39[53] = "101000100"> <!--- 5 
>> ---> <cfset code39[54] = "011000100"> <!--- 6 ---> <cfset code39[55] 
>> = "000110100"> <!--- 7 ---> <cfset code39[56] = "100100100"> <!--- 8 
>> ---> <cfset code39[57] = "010100100"> <!--- 9 --->
>> <cfset code39[65] = "100010010"> <!--- A ---> <cfset code39[66] = 
>> "010010010"> <!--- B ---> <cfset code39[67] = "110000010"> <!--- C 
>> ---> <cfset code39[68] = "001010010"> <!--- D ---> <cfset code39[69] 
>> = "101000010"> <!--- E ---> <cfset code39[70] = "011000010"> <!--- F 
>> ---> <cfset code39[71] = "000110010"> <!--- G ---> <cfset code39[72] 
>> = "100100010"> <!--- H ---> <cfset code39[73] = "010100010"> <!--- I 
>> ---> <cfset code39[74] = "001100010"> <!--- J ---> <cfset code39[75] 
>> = "100010001"> <!--- K ---> <cfset code39[76] = "010010001"> <!--- L 
>> ---> <cfset code39[77] = "110000001"> <!--- M ---> <cfset code39[78] 
>> = "001010001"> <!--- N ---> <cfset code39[79] = "101000001"> <!--- O 
>> ---> <cfset code39[80] = "011000001"> <!--- P ---> <cfset code39[81] 
>> = "000110001"> <!--- Q ---> <cfset code39[82] = "100100001"> <!--- R 
>> ---> <cfset code39[83] = "010100001"> <!--- S ---> <cfset code39[84] 
>> = "001100001"> <!--- T ---> <cfset code39[85] = "100011000"> <!--- U 
>> ---> <cfset code39[86] = "010011000"> <!--- V ---> <cfset code39[87] 
>> = "110001000"> <!--- W ---> <cfset code39[88] = "001011000"> <!--- X 
>> ---> <cfset code39[89] = "101001000"> <!--- Y ---> <cfset code39[90] 
>> = "011001000"> <!--- Z --->
>> <!--- Code 39 specification requires * at the start and end of the 
>> barcode
>> --->
>> <cfset Attributes.InputValue = "*" & Attributes.InputValue & "*">
>> <cfoutput>
>>        <span 
>> style="#Attributes.TextFontTop#">#Attributes.TextTop#</span>
>>        <div>
>>        <cfloop index="i" from="1" to="#len(Attributes.InputValue)#">
>>                <span
>> style="border-right:#val(mid(code39[asc(mid(Attributes.InputValue,i,1
>> ))],1,1)*(Attributes.BarWidth)+(Attributes.BarWidth/2))#px
>> solid; border-color: black; height:
>> #Attributes.BarHeight#px;margin-bottom:#Attributes.MarginBottom#px;ma
>> rgin-top:#Attributes.MarginTop#px;"></span>
>>                <span
>> style="border-right:#val(mid(code39[asc(mid(Attributes.InputValue,i,1
>> ))],6,1)*(Attributes.BarWidth)+(Attributes.BarWidth/2))#px
>> solid; border-color: white; height:
>> #Attributes.BarHeight#px;margin-bottom:#Attributes.MarginBottom#px;ma
>> rgin-top:#Attributes.MarginTop#px;"></span>
>>                <span
>> style="border-right:#val(mid(code39[asc(mid(Attributes.InputValue,i,1
>> ))],2,1)*(Attributes.BarWidth)+(Attributes.BarWidth/2))#px
>> solid; border-color: black; height:
>> #Attributes.BarHeight#px;margin-bottom:#Attributes.MarginBottom#px;ma
>> rgin-top:#Attributes.MarginTop#px;"></span>
>>                <span
>> style="border-right:#val(mid(code39[asc(mid(Attributes.InputValue,i,1
>> ))],7,1)*(Attributes.BarWidth)+(Attributes.BarWidth/2))#px
>> solid; border-color: white; height:
>> #Attributes.BarHeight#px;margin-bottom:#Attributes.MarginBottom#px;ma
>> rgin-top:#Attributes.MarginTop#px;"></span>
>>                <span
>> style="border-right:#val(mid(code39[asc(mid(Attributes.InputValue,i,1
>> ))],3,1)*(Attributes.BarWidth)+(Attributes.BarWidth/2))#px
>> solid; border-color: black; height:
>> #Attributes.BarHeight#px;margin-bottom:#Attributes.MarginBottom#px;ma
>> rgin-top:#Attributes.MarginTop#px;"></span>
>>                <span
>> style="border-right:#val(mid(code39[asc(mid(Attributes.InputValue,i,1
>> ))],8,1)*(Attributes.BarWidth)+(Attributes.BarWidth/2))#px
>> solid; border-color: white; height:
>> #Attributes.BarHeight#px;margin-bottom:#Attributes.MarginBottom#px;ma
>> rgin-top:#Attributes.MarginTop#px;"></span>
>>                <span
>> style="border-right:#val(mid(code39[asc(mid(Attributes.InputValue,i,1
>> ))],4,1)*(Attributes.BarWidth)+(Attributes.BarWidth/2))#px
>> solid; border-color: black; height:
>> #Attributes.BarHeight#px;margin-bottom:#Attributes.MarginBottom#px;ma
>> rgin-top:#Attributes.MarginTop#px;"></span>
>>                <span
>> style="border-right:#val(mid(code39[asc(mid(Attributes.InputValue,i,1
>> ))],9,1)*(Attributes.BarWidth)+(Attributes.BarWidth/2))#px
>> solid; border-color: white; height:
>> #Attributes.BarHeight#px;margin-bottom:#Attributes.MarginBottom#px;ma
>> rgin-top:#Attributes.MarginTop#px;"></span>
>>                <span
>> style="border-right:#val(mid(code39[asc(mid(Attributes.InputValue,i,1
>> ))],5,1)*(Attributes.BarWidth)+(Attributes.BarWidth/2))#px
>> solid; border-color: black; height:
>> #Attributes.BarHeight#px;margin-bottom:#Attributes.MarginBottom#px;ma
>> rgin-top:#Attributes.MarginTop#px;"></span>
>>                <span style="border-right:2px solid; border-color: 
>> white;
>> height:
>> 50px;margin-bottom:2px;margin-top:2px;"></span>   <!--- space between 
>> individual codes --->
>>        </cfloop>
>>        </div>
>>        <span
>> style="#Attributes.TextFontBottom#">#Attributes.TextBottom#</span>
>> </cfoutput>
>> On Fri, Sep 18, 2009 at 6:02 AM, Richard White <>
>> >
>> > hi
>> >
>> > our software needs to have the ability to generate a barcode gif 
>> > and
>> place it on a document.
>> >
>> > has anyone done this before, and what is the best method?
>> >
>> > thanks
>> >
>> > richard
>> >
>> >

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