firebug will tell you if it is firing or not.

and you do have <cfdump var="#user#"> or another output of USER var
after your cfinvoke block, right?

Azadi Saryev

On 25/09/2009 04:45, Phillip Vector wrote:
> yes, but I took them out and it still has the same result. The
> cfinvoke is not firing I don't think.
> On Thu, Sep 24, 2009 at 1:31 PM, Azadi Saryev <> wrote:
>> you do not actually have 2 and 3 as text inside your <cfinvoke> block,
>> do you?
>> Azadi Saryev
>> On 25/09/2009 02:30, Phillip Vector wrote:
>>> So for the meantime, I've put my cfc directory in the web root on the
>>> development server I use.
>>> I have the following code to call the cfc
>>> 1
>>> <cfinvoke component="cfc.filename" method="Read" returnvariable="User">
>>> 2
>>> <cfinvokeargument name="UserID" value="13204721-3474-8967-4897498740174013">
>>> 3
>>> </cfinvoke>
>>> 4
>>> I see the 1, but nothing else (which tells me cfinvoke is not working 
>>> right).
>>> The filename is "filename.cfc" and is in the cfc directory (which is
>>> directly off the web root where I'm calling this).
>>> The read function shows the following..
>>> � � � <cffunction name="Read" returntype="Query" access="remote">
>>> � � � � � � � <cfargument name="UserID" type="string">
>>> � � � � � � � <cfscript>var Data="";</cfscript>
>>> � � � � � � � <cfquery DATASOURCE="#DS#" name="Data">
>>> � � � � � � � � � � � Select *
>>> � � � � � � � � � � � From Users
>>> � � � � � � � � � � � Where UserID=#UserID#
>>> � � � � � � � </cfquery>
>>> � � � � � � � <cfreturn Data>
>>> � � � </cffunction>
>>> Why isn't it working?

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