Log into he CF admin (i.e. On the
left hand side under "server settings" there is a link to "settings
summary". Click on it and at the top you will see something like the

Server Product  ColdFusion MX  
Version  7,0,2,142559    
Edition  Standard    
Serial Number  xxxxx-xxxxxxxxxxxxxx  
Operating System  Windows 2003    
OS Version  5.2     

The "edition" value is the one you are looking for.


-----Original Message-----
From: Robert Kelso [mailto:robert.ke...@forensicpursuit.com] 
Sent: Monday, September 28, 2009 3:17 PM
To: cf-talk
Subject: Re: Cold Fusion Enterprise or Standard Installed?


Since the server.log didn't seem to give me what I was looking for, I
started down the road of your idea of replacing the S/N into an existing
installation of ColdFusion.  Of course, I had no such thing since I am a
computer forensics guy, not a developer and I've never used ColdFusion.
Regardless, I downladed and installed a trial version of Cold Fusion and
replaced the serial number into my own license.properties file.  Not sure
where to go from here though.  I'm sure "look at the server settings" makes
perfect sense to all the ColdFusion developers out there, but I don't really
know what that means.  By the way, the serial number I extracted is
CED700-53365-17253-87902.  If it would be really fast for you pop this
serial number into one of your ColdFusion installations and see what
information you can gather, I would dearly appreciate it.  I could probably
even arrange for some compensation for your efforts.  Let me know if you'd
to give it a try.  Thanks!

> Hi Brad,
> Thanks for that (Thanks to Mark as well).  I have looked through the 
> server log but see no reference to either "Enterprise" or "Standard".
> Do you think the absence of the line "Enterprise Edition enabled" 
> means that non-Enterprise edition was installed, or could it be 
> something else?
> Here's an excerpt from my log:
> "Information","main","05/14/07","19:46:55",,"D:\CFusionMX7\logs\server.
> log initialized"
> "Information","main","05/14/07","19:46:55",,"Starting logging..."
> "Information","main","05/14/07","19:46:55",,"Starting crypto..."
> "Information","main","05/14/07","19:46:56",,"Starting license..."
> "Information","main","05/14/07","19:46:56",,"Starting License server ...
> "
> "Information","main","05/14/07","19:46:58",,"Starting scheduler..."
> "Information","main","05/14/07","19:46:58",,"Starting WatchService...
> "
> "Information","main","05/14/07","19:46:58",,"Starting debugging..."
> "Information","main","05/14/07","19:46:58",,"Starting sql..."
> "Information","main","05/14/07","19:46:58",,"Starting mail..."
> "Information","main","05/14/07","19:46:58",,"CORBA Configuration not 
> enabled"
> "Information","main","05/14/07","19:46:58",,"Starting cron..."
> "Information","main","05/14/07","19:46:58",,"Starting registry..."
> "Information","main","05/14/07","19:46:58",,"Starting client..."
> "Information","main","05/14/07","19:46:58",,"Starting xmlrpc..."
> "Information","main","05/14/07","19:46:58",,"Starting graphing..."
> "Information","main","05/14/07","19:46:58",,"Starting verity..."
> "Information","main","05/14/07","19:46:58",,"Starting archive..."
> "Information","main","05/14/07","19:46:58",,"Starting document..."
> "Information","main","05/14/07","19:46:59",,"Starting eventgateway...
> "
> "Information","main","05/14/07","19:46:59",,"Starting FlexAssembler...
> "
> "Information","main","05/14/07","19:46:59",,"ColdFusion started"
> "Information","main","05/14/07","19:50:07",,"Starting logging..."
> "Information","main","05/14/07","19:50:07",,"Starting crypto..."
> "Information","main","05/14/07","19:50:07",,"Starting license..."
> "Information","main","05/14/07","19:50:07",,"Starting License server ...
> "
> "Information","main","05/14/07","19:50:08",,"Starting scheduler..."
> "Information","main","05/14/07","19:50:08",,"Starting WatchService...
> "
> >Better yet-- if you have access to the server.log file, crack it
> open
> >and look at its last restart:
> >
> >"Information","main","09/04/09","15:24:12",,"Starting logging..."
> >"Information","main","09/04/09","15:24:12",,"Starting license..."
> >"Information","main","09/04/09","15:24:14",,"Enterprise Edition
> enabled"
> >
> >It should tell you what version was enabled after the starting
> license
> >part.
> >
> >~Brad
> >
> >Robert,
> >
> >Find the serial number (in license.properties) and go to an existing
> CF
> >installation - even one on your dev box - and update the serial
> number.
> >Then
> >look at the server settings.
> >
> >-Mark

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