>Thanks. I'm not sure if your method is quicker, but it allows me to break my
>list wherever I need to. 
> >><cfset thelist ="aa,bb,cc,dd,ee,ff,uu,vv,ww,xx,yy,zz">
>What would be the most efficient way to split the list into two lists,
>Try this :
><cfset thelist ="aa,bb,cc,dd,ee,ff,uu,vv,ww,xx,yy,zz">
><CFSET st = REFind ("([^\,]*\,){6}", thelist, 1, true)> <CFSET list1 =
>mid(theList, 1, st.len[1]-1)> <CFSET list2 = mid(theList, st.len[1]+1,
>9999)> <CFOUTPUT>
>list1 = #list1#<BR>
>list2 = #list2#<BR>

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