lets say we have 650 elements in our list.
split them into seperate lists with a maximun of 100 elements.

remember, each list must be in a variable
Chuka I.W. Anene
Chief Software Eng./CEO
Quorium Solutions 

From: Claude Schneegans <schneeg...@internetique.com>
To: cf-talk <cf-talk@houseoffusion.com>
Sent: Tue, October 13, 2009 3:37:18 PM
Subject: Re: Splitting a list...

>>i need to have the values of each sublist in variables

How about hving them in a list of lists? Then you could get each sublist 
pretty easily.

Try this:
<!--- Create a 1000 elements list  --->
<CFSET thelist = repeatString ("0,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,", 100)>

<!--- Replace every 100th comma delimiter by "|" as super delimiter --->
<CFSET thelist = Replace (REReplace (thelist, "(([^,]*,){100})", "\1|", 
"all"), ",|", "|", "all")>
<CFDUMP var="#thelist#">

Now you have a "|" delimited list of 100 elements "," delimited sublists
Use listGetAt(theList, n, "|") to get each nth sublist.

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