>lets say we have 650 elements in our list.
>split them into seperate lists with a maximun of 100 elements.
>remember, each list must be in a variable

Here we go - InputList will be your 650 elements.

SegmentedLists is an array of the results.

<cfset SegmentedLists = segmentList( InputList , 100 ) />

<cfdump var=#SegmentedLists#/>

<cffunction name="segmentList" returntype="Array" output="false">
        <cfargument name="List"         type="String" />
        <cfargument name="ItemsPerList" type="Numeric" />
        <cfset var MyLists = ArrayNew(1) />
        <cfset var CurList = 1 />
        <cfset var CurItem = 0 />
        <cfset MyLists[1] = ArrayNew(1)/>

        <cfloop index="CurItem" array="#ListToArray(Arguments.List)#">

                <cfif ArrayLen(MyLists[CurList]) GTE Arguments.ItemsPerList >
                        <cfset MyLists[++CurList] = ArrayNew(1) />

                <cfset ArrayAppend(MyLists[CurList],CurItem) />


        <cfloop index="CurList" from="1" to="#ArrayLen(MyLists)#">
                <cfset MyLists[CurList] = ArrayToList(MyLists[CurList]) />

        <cfreturn MyLists />

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