Joshua Rowe wrote:
> This should work for you:
> <cfsavecontent variable="myContent">
>       This is the content that will go into my .doc file.
>       This is a test.
> </cfsavecontent>
> <cffile action="write"
>               file="#Replace(ExpandPath('*.*'),'*.*','')#test.doc"
>               output="#myContent#">
> Best regards,
> Joshua Rowe
But a 'doc' file type is a binary file type is it not?  In my experience 
you can't just write simple text to a with a doc extension and get 
anything useful.  I could see this working with an plain text (.txt) or 
rich text (.rtf) extension, but not a .doc extension.

To create binary .doc types I believe you need to use the Word com 
object or the Java POI utilities do you not.

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