Hi.  I've used code like this vastly simplified Application.cfc example for a 
couple years now, in CF7 and CF8:

this.name = "My Application";
this.sessionManagement = true;

<cflock timeout="5" type="exclusive" scope="session"><cfset session.x = "y" 

I can't figure out what else I have changed, but suddenly last week it stopped 
working on my development server.  I've checked this on a number of servers, 
and the code above just doesn't work (including on a server where the actual 
live code is running fine).  My actual live code cfincludes a page in 
Application.cfc that actually tries to lock the session scope.

I just pulled a known working configuration from svn and updated my development 
server with that, restarted ColdFusion, and THAT won't work either.  This is a 
standalone 32-bit ColdFusion 8 instance on IIS 6.

I'm wondering what in the world I'm missing.  Maybe someone else can point out 
something stupid I'm doing wrong.

- Andrew. 

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