
I'm trying to migrate a MS-SQL db to oracle and when trying to load
the database I get the following error:
[Macromedia][Oracle JDBC Driver][Oracle]ORA-00933: SQL command not
properly ended

the script I'm running is:
<cfquery name="q" datasource="db_ora">
    insert into user_access values (3, 'Admin')
    insert into user_access values (4, Partner')
        insert into user_access values (5, 'Client')

I have tried with ; and without any statement terminator.

It works fine with only one statement in the cfquery and it works fine
when running against a SQL db.
Is it possible to run multiple sql statements inside a cfquery against
an oracle db?


PS I'm running CF developer edition 8,0,1,195765 with
Update Level     /D:/ColdFusion8/lib/updates/hf801-74297.jar

I have found this updater which apparently fixes the issue:
http://kb2.adobe.com/cps/403/kb403070.html but it mentions
Adobe recommends that you apply CHF3 to ColdFusion 8.0 only

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