> I think that's the case, which is a bummer because I have thousands of
> statements which are logically grouped in <cfquery></cfquery> tags
> I'm using the Oracle driver that comes with CF 8.

I don't use Oracle often enough to have encountered this before, so I
can't really provide any detailed help. But since CF 8 uses DataDirect
drivers, I would look online for DataDirect JDBC configuration
settings, which are stored in neo-query.xml in ColdFusion 8, and see
if there's anything you can add to allow multiple queries.

If you can't find any setting for the DataDirect drivers, you could
look for similar settings for Oracle's own drivers, then download and
use those drivers. Oracle's drivers are freely downloadable, and can
easily be used with CF 8.

Dave Watts, CTO, Fig Leaf Software

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