Both CFE and CFB can do what you want. Since they are based on Eclipse you
can add a number of SVN, CVS and GIT clients.

As for which one, that is a matter of preference and requirements. If you do
work with Flex I would lean toward CFB seeing that Flex and Adobe CF are
joined at the hip anymore. i.e. There is tight integration between Adobe CF
and Flex/Flash Builder. If you work with Railo or OBD I would go with CFE as
CFB works best when connected to Adobe CF Server.

But other than that both are fine editors. It is pretty much a dead heat in
my mind.

My $0.02 and worth every penny.


On Mon, Nov 9, 2009 at 12:48 PM, Michael Reick <> wrote:

> I've been using Dreamweaver for the last couple iterations (7 through CS4)
> and I'm done.  Can't stand it anymore.  I'm a coder, not a drag/drop,
> re-write horrible code that the wizards generate.
> Except it's site system makes it really easy to publish templates between
> servers (I have a development, a staging, and a "live" server and I have to
> FTP to the live server).
> I need a new IDE that will at least give me that ability. The ability to
> integrate with a versioning, check in/out system would be nice as well, but
> not required at this point, as I'm the only developer at the moment on the
> sites I manage.
> CFEclipse?
> Adobe's new CF Builder?
> Others?
> My google-fu is good enough (or should be) that if you tell me an IDE can
> do this, I can find a good primer site. Suggestions though, of course, would
> be welcome! :)
> I've had just too much to get done recently to actually
> research/download/install/configure/test to see if an IDE will do this, so I
> figured I'd ask this list.
> Thanks!
> Michael Reick

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