
I can't help thinking the code you haven't shown is important.  Are you
creating a CF thread?  And are any of your variables in shared scopes?
Transactions and threads don't necessarily work the way you might expect.
There are lots of possibilites for cross-talk between threads, connections
and transaction in a CF thread scenario, particularly where shared scopes
are involved.


On Tue, Dec 8, 2009 at 5:22 AM, Andre Kapp <> wrote:

> I'v now come across a code problem that I simply cannot understand what is
> happending here.
> The code is part of a cfc module that is behind a web-service.
> This is not inside a loop - just a normal cfc with a function that enter,
> process and returns data...
> The problem here is the transID.
> When you start putting a bit of load on this code, the transID gets
> mangled/confused/....
> When looking at the first cflog here, the trans id is the correct value is
> an thedatabase table.
> However, after the values are assigned to stTrans, the trans id is
> different! It is that of another tx that happend later on...
> Nowere is the transID updated in the code between the two cflog's. The
> value in the cflog is correct, as it is this value that I receive on the
> other side of the WebService module....
> Here is the logfile output
> Look for card no xxxx00213
> Information","jrpp-5","12/07/09","20:11:27","GCCSVPWS","Process tx for
> xxxxxxx00213 with tx id 163537 and Thread.txid is 163537"
> "Information","jrpp-0","12/07/09","20:11:27","GCCSVPWS"," Process tx (after
> transaction) for xxxxx000346 with tx id 163537 and Thread.txid is 163537"
> "Information","jrpp-4","12/07/09","20:11:27","GCCSVPWS"," Process tx (after
> transaction) for xxxx38304 with tx id 163537 and Thread.txid is 163537"
> "Information","jrpp-7","12/07/09","20:11:27","GCCSVPWS","Process tx for
> xxxxxxxx254"
> "Information","jrpp-9","12/07/09","20:11:27","GCCSVPWS","Process tx for
> xxxxxxx0270"
> "Information","jrpp-16","12/07/09","20:11:27","GCCSVPWS"," Process tx
> (after transaction) for xxxxxx005097 with tx id 163537 and Thread.txid is
> 163537"
> "Information","jrpp-18","12/07/09","20:11:27","GCCSVPWS"," Process tx
> (after transaction) for xxxxxx00239 with tx id 163537 and Thread.txid is
> 163537"
> "Information","jrpp-19","12/07/09","20:11:27","GCCSVPWS"," Process tx
> (after transaction) for xxxxxx00304 with tx id 163537 and Thread.txid is
> 163537"
> "Information","jrpp-8","12/07/09","20:11:27","GCCSVPWS","Process tx for
> xxxxxxxxx12 with tx id 163538 and Thread.txid is 163538"
> "Information","jrpp-9","12/07/09","20:11:27","GCCSVPWS","Process tx for
> xxxxxxxxx270 with tx id 163539 and Thread.txid is 163539"
> "Information","jrpp-3","12/07/09","20:11:27","GCCSVPWS"," Process tx (after
> transaction) for xxxxxxxx0288 with tx id 163539 and Thread.txid is 163539"
> "Information","jrpp-7","12/07/09","20:11:27","GCCSVPWS","Process tx for
> xxxxxxxxxxx254 with tx id 163540 and Thread.txid is 163540"
> "Information","jrpp-5","12/07/09","20:11:27","GCCSVPWS"," Process tx (after
> transaction) for xxxxxxxxxx0213 with tx id 163540 and Thread.txid is 163540"
> I found a problem when I did code optimizationon the other side of the
> webservice. First thought it was the web service, but trace it right down to
> this bit of code on the one server.
> This is happening on my Mac's VM's running CentOS 5.2 and Coldfusion 8 on
> top of that.....
> Coldfusion details:
> Server Product  ColdFusion
> Version 8,0,1,195765
> Operating System        UNIX
> OS Version      2.6.18-128.2.1.el5
> JVM Details
> Java Version    1.6.0_04
> Database is MySQL version 5.0
> Any any any  ideas will be appreciated!
> snipped ----
>                    SELECT last_insert_id() AS transid;
>                </cfquery>
>                <cfset theTransID = trans_insert.transid>
>                <cfset Thread.txid = trans_insert.transid>
>                <cflog file="transdao_cfc" text="Process tx for #cardnumber#
> with tx id #theTransID# and Thread.txid is #Thread.txid#"
> type="information">
>                <!--- Update acct balance on gateway --->
>                <cfquery datasource="#variables.dsn#">
>                    UPDATE acct_balances
>                    SET
>                        acct_balance = acct_balance + #arguments.amount#,
>                        acct_balance_available = acct_balance_available +
> #arguments.amount#
>                    WHERE
>                        acct_id = <cfqueryparam cfsqltype="CF_SQL_INTEGER"
> value="#arguments.acctid#">
>                </cfquery>
>           </cftransaction>
>  <!---------------------------------------------------------------------------
>            CHECK FOR NEG to POS
>  ---------------------------------------------------------------------------->
>            <cftry>
>                <cfif theCurrentActualBalance LT 0 AND theNewActualBalance
> GTE 0>
>                    <cfquery datasource="#variables.dsn#">
>                        UPDATE fees_collection
>                        SET
>                            settled = <cfqueryparam
> cfsqltype="CF_SQL_INTEGER" value="1">,
>                            settled_trans_id = <cfqueryparam
> cfsqltype="CF_SQL_INTEGER" value="#theTransID#">,
>                            settled_dttm = NOW()
>                        WHERE
>                            acct_id = <cfqueryparam
> cfsqltype="CF_SQL_INTEGER" value="#arguments.acctid#"> AND
>                            settled = 0
>                    </cfquery>
>                </cfif>
>                <cfcatch type="any"><cflog file="transdao_cfc"
> text="#cfcatch.toString()#"></cfcatch>
>            </cftry>
>            <!--- Set response --->
>            <cfset stTrans.responsecode = 00 />
>            <cfset stTrans.transid = theTransID />
>            <cfset stTrans.success = true />
>            <cfset stTrans.message = "" />
>            <cfset stTrans.start_actualbalance = theCurrentActualBalance>
>            <cfset stTrans.start_availablebalance =
> theCurrentAvailableBalance>
>            <cfset stTrans.end_actualbalance = theNewActualBalance>
>            <cfset stTrans.end_availablebalance = theNewAvailableBalance>
>            <cflog file="transdao_cfc" text=" Process tx (after transaction)
> for #cardnumber# with tx id #stTrans.transid# and Thread.txid is
> #Thread.txid#" type="information">

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