Showing code would be a good first step...

On Tue, Dec 8, 2009 at 6:27 AM, Damo Drumm <>wrote:

> Hi
> can someone help me out here, Im trying to have a check box for each
> invoice so when its ticked and you press submit all the ticked invoices will
> be sent to the revelant email address,
> I'm trying to have it so the check boxes will be defaulted to ticked if the
> customer Number for the invoice, is in the Customer Table, The next problem
> I have is for each Customer I add to the Customer Table its duplicating the
> Data and showing everything twice if theres 2 Customers. or 3 times if
> theres 3 Customers added and so on, I cant seem to figure out why its doing
> this
> any tips would be great

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