Hi Brook,

you wrote:
> That phone number is out of service. Its weird though, I thought they had a
> decent customer base. They certainly had a good product as I believe anyone
> who used it would attest. Its also strange that the site is still up. Maybe
> they plan to come back at a later date? Maybe they are trying to sell the
> company? It would be nice if they could release their code as open source,
> so that those people who are using it are not 100% screwed...

A lot of us ended up here as a way to keep in touch:
but we are not being very chatty...

I chatted to Howie Hamlin a long time back about going open source or 
otherwise making the codebase available and he said "no, due to legal 
reasons". The code engine that talks from a Win Service to CF was a 
patented thing for a start.



Kym Kovan

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