so I put back both cferror tags one for request and one for exception.  I 
forced a db error and I see the dump from the sendError page, but when I wrap a 
cfmail around it, I get nothing but the text from the errorPage.

-----Original Message-----
From: Qing Xia [] 
Sent: Thursday, January 28, 2010 12:21 PM
To: cf-talk
Subject: Re: cferror / cfmail issue

When type="request", the error template is not supposed to contain any CFML
tags, and you may only refer to a handful of special variables in the error

When you said you have both and request and exception values... did you mean
you have two CFError tags in application.cfm, one with type="request" and
the other with type="exception"?

Maybe the type="exception" template itself contained an error and never got
to the mail generation part. To be sure, in your development environment:

   1. Purposefully put in some wacky code to generate errors
   2. For now, comment out the <cferror type="request"...>
   3. Try cfdump and cfabort in the type="exception" error template, from
   top down, until you get to the CFMail tag.

On Thu, Jan 28, 2010 at 2:56 PM, Tim Do <> wrote:

> went from 7 to 9.  I have both request and exception but still doesn't
> work.  just looking through my logs again... I haven't received an error
> email in a few days so not sure it's related to the upgrade.  I can't say my
> code is that solid, usually get a couple a day, so most likely this has not
> sent in a few days.  any other ideas??  I tried wrapping the error info into
> cfsavecontent and still shows the error info and doesn't send.
> -----Original Message-----
> From: Qing Xia []
> Sent: Thursday, January 28, 2010 11:53 AM
> To: cf-talk
> Subject: Re: cferror / cfmail issue
> What CF version were you on before this recent upgrade to CF9? Try changing
> the TYPE attribute in the CFError tag to type="exception", and see what
> happens.
> On Thu, Jan 28, 2010 at 2:41 PM, Tim Do <> wrote:
> >
> > We just upgraded to cf9 and my error handling is no longer working the
> way
> > it used to.  In my application.cfm I have:
> >
> > <cferror type="request"
> >            template="errorPage.cfm"
> >            mailto="">
> >
> > and within errorPage.cfm I have:
> > <cfmail to="" from="" subject="InSite
> > Error Log" type="HTML" server="#Variables.sEmailServer#">
> >    Error:<br>
> >            <cfdump var="#error#" label="Error message">
> >            Session:<br>
> >    <cfdump var="#session#" label="Session scope"><br>
> >            Client:<br>
> >    <cfdump var="#client#" label="Client scope"><br>
> >            Application:<br>
> >            <cfdump var="#application#" label="Application scope"><br>
> >            Request:<br>
> >    <cfdump var="#request#" label="Request scope"><br>
> >            Form:<br>
> >    <cfdump var="#form#" label="Form scope"><br>
> >            Url:<br>
> >    <cfdump var="#url#" label="URL scope"><br>
> >            Cookie:<br>
> >    <cfdump var="#cookie#" label="Cookie scope"><br>
> > </cfmail>
> >
> >
> > The page error shows up fine with my error notice, BUT the cfmail section
> > it just displays :
> >
> > Error:
> > Session:
> >
> > Client:
> >
> > Application:
> >
> > Request:
> >
> > Form:
> >
> > Url:
> >
> > Cookie:
> >
> > Without the variables, and the email does not go out.  Why would it
> display
> > the code inside of the cfmail tags instead of sending??  All other cfmail
> > tags work fine throughout the site.
> >
> > Thanks!
> >
> >
> >

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